Which NAIM Speaker Cable is This?

Hi Many thanks for letting me join this forum

I have a question about Naim speaker cable. I have two lengths and I wondered if it is the NACA 4 or NACA 5. It is white very stiff and inflexible. It has Naim Audio repeated down one of the two strand sections. I can post pictures if that is allowed

Stiff and inflexible tends to suggest it is NACA 5. A photo should be able to confirm it.

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Definitely allowed and would be helpful probably :slightly_smiling_face:

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It’s definitely A5. I’m not sure A4 even came in white.

I am finally released from the curse of the Naim forum. I know something @HungryHalibut didn’t know. I’ve got some white A4 in the garage.

So long and thanks for all the fish…


White NACA4 here also…

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Well there we go, white A4. Anyway, the OP’s is A5.

I have some old NACA4 somewhere - it was probably once white, but last time I looked it was now more like a creamy beige…


I have White NAC A4… :expressionless:

I even have a price list with White & Black listed…

And… thats what my A4 leads cost me. £1-00 per metre… :astonished: :crazy_face:


Thanks for rubbing my nose in it! I have white cable, but it’s Kudos KS-1. No hairdryer required.


I used to have some in light grey on my IBLs.
35 years ago.
:wink: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


And the carpet from hell.


I’ve seen far worse much more recently.
It was 35 years ago and the only photo I have.
I could show you some really scary curtains if that’s your thing. :thinking:
Anyway about that speaker cable. :roll_eyes:

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Thanks for all the replies.

Here are a couple of photos

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And another

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That’s defo A5.

I agree🙂

I’d say that would probably have been Linn LK20.


On reflection your probably right it was got from a dealer long gone now but it was identical to the black cable running the external crossovers on the back. :+1:t2: