Which SNAICs for adding a Flatcap XS to an XS3?

Just wanting to confirm which SNAIC I should purchase.
Today a second hand Flatcap XS arrived - it was sent with a 5 pin black SNAIC and Powerline Lite as expected. I want to connect the FC to my XS3.

I assume the SNAIC 5 goes from the pre-amp out on the XS3 to ‘Power Out A’ on the FC. Do I then need to buy a SNAIC 4 to return the signal from ‘Signal Out A’ to the power amp stage of the XS3?

As they are not cheap, I want to make sure I order the correct SNAIC.

Yes, you need a Snaic 4, with 4 pins at each end. You can often find them on eBay, just make sure it’s genuine.

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As above a SNAIC 4 pin both ends is what you need. The Flatcap XS (and HiCap) were sold with a SNAIC 5 included as usually you would have a SNAIC 4 with the power amp such as a NAP200 for example.

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Thank you both for your replies. I have noticed new cheap ‘SNAICs’ on eBay but I will keep looking for a genuine version. Alternatively a new genuine cable appears to be just under £200. Unfortunately (but not surprisingly) an XS3 does not come with a 4 pin SNAIC when new.

An update out of courtesy. I’ve ordered a new genuine 4 pin to 4 pin SNAIC which should hopefully arrive next week.


The SNAIC 4 arrived today - prompt delivery. Rigged up the FC this evening. It’s possibly too early to be definitive but there are no negatives so far - no hums/noises etc. I do think things sound bigger and more spacious for a given volume setting - possibly more refinement too. Bass punch/presence is more pronounced at lower volumes which is nice, especially for later night listening.

Will see how everything settles but first impressions are positive👍


Good show. You should find improvements in sound over the next few days as the Flatcap settles in.


It’s been on for about 3 hours now - definitely more refined and spacious.

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Ok, time for an update.

To my ears and in my system (etc.) adding an FC XS to a Naim XS3 is a positive. The notable improvements are:

  1. even better clarity/more detailed sound.
  2. greater refinement, particularly in the higher mids/treble where, when paired with the Titanium domed Tannoys, the XS3 could be a bit ‘sharp’ for my ears with certain recordings.
  3. larger/more spacious stage.
  4. a more full sound in the lower frequencies at quiet volumes.

We all have differing views on this but, to me, adding a Flatcap seems a good way of improving on an XS3 if you already own one. YMMV

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Ok, now remove it and listen to the bare XS3 again.


I might do, if I can bring myself to switch it all off and swap the wiring again😉

It’s the only true test of an upgrade.

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I understand, but right now I’m just enjoying what I am hearing - definitely more detail/space/clarity on tracks I familiar with. I’m loath to fiddle with it all TBH.

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The Flatcap is a really nice upgrade. Why bother removing it? Just enjoy it.


Thanks HH. Yes I am very pleased with the results.

Nice, enjoy your upgrade.

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Many thanks - will do. After all the research I’m a bit wiser about what the different power supplies are, what they do and their respective price points.