Which wine are you drinking? Tell us about it

There is 1 glass left in the bottle so it will be interesting to see the difference a day makes. We have a friend in Greyton SA who is a wine consultant and I believe she turned us onto the Rall wines if I remember correctly. Haven’t had the Chenin.

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The only wine person I know in Greyton is Samantha O’Keefe at Lismore - producing some of the most delicious wines around. We had her 2018 Age of Grace Viognier last night and it was brilliant.

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Enjoying a glass of the usual tonight, alla nostra salute! :woman_cook: :wine_glass:


@Debs Thanks for the photograph, now I can tell which wine you are drinking!


We are fans of the Lismore wines. We still have some pre-fire Estate Reserve Syrah in the cellar. For those not familiar, the story of the fire and how she responded and the support from some in the industry is a nice read. https://www.the-buyer.net/people/producer/lismore-sam-okeefe/

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I had a few of the Montirius Gigondas in the cellar, 2010s I think. Drank them about 5 years back and they were very good. Had a very good review when I bought it.


Family meal last night, ended up drinking more than planned! The 2010 Rioja was fantastic.


I prefer Musar with added funky notes which this vintage doesn’t have but it is still deep and savoury, especially on day 2.


Chateau Musar from the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon is a love it or hate it wine. I used to love its rich, earthy flavour - others drinking a glass poured from the same bottle thought that it tasted like drinking mud!

I’m drinking non-alcoholic wine these days, today’s is from Trier in Germany.


The Aligote was pre-dinner. Reasonably priced, crisp and refreshing. The Condrieu was a great match to the Halibut. A windy evening in London but listening to Radio Paradise and waiting for the Buffalo Bills game. (My version of football).


The Chalk Hill Chardonnay has very good reviews. I haven’t tried it because our Liquor Board doesn’t bring it in to Ontario. They can get it in BC tho for $30 cad. $45 would be too expensive for that wine. I probably wouldn’ even pay $30 for it. There’s too many very nice French whites in that price range.

I always demand value for my money, which is why I don’t buy many Canadian wines.

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@david1111 So true. It is remarkable that the French can send their wine to the opposite side of the world that can be better than the local product and cost less. Namely their Bordeaux and Rhone reds.


We have visited Lismore a few times and have very good memories of the estate pre-fire and the big red shed immediately after its construction. The bounce back was an amazing effort and we enjoyed her Phoenix Chenin made with donated fruit from fellow winemakers. I still have her 2011 maiden vintage Syrah in my cellar and will find a good opportunity to open it I am sure.

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Have been reading elsewhere that 2004 divides those that collect it so it’s good to hear it is in good shape.

Quite bizarre to see picture of same decanter and bottle on this forum and the WS!

That’s exactly it, Idak, and its not only France and Portugal. I can buy better and much cheaper wines from Austrailia, S. America, and S. Africa as well, and I could walk to the bloody Canadian vineyard.
Support Canadian busines, my ar$e … :slightly_smiling_face:

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I opened this Best’s 2013 Shiraz to go with some BBQ baby back ribs that we did in the slow cooker with some barbecue sauce. We finished off the ribs by broiling them in the oven for ten minutes with some more BBQ sauce brushed on them. The ribs were spectacular, the best I’ve had in a long time and the Shiraz went with them nicely. I wasn’t sure it would.

The Best’s has been in my cellar for 7 years and I’ve been trying to figure out when to have it for about a year or so now. I think I got it right as the black fruits were still present, it was a touch peppery, and the tannins were present and soft. It tasted like a more expensive wine than it was.


Where’s that from?

That’s a good point, it doesn’t really say does it.
Its Australian. They’re in the Grampians Wine Region, wherever that is. Their site is bestswines.com
I’ll find out where they are.
Great wines tho, and it wasnt expensive.

Edit - Its one of the farthest points south, down by Tasmania.