Which wine are you drinking? Tell us about it

In a similar vein I took part in a fund raising a few years ago for a well known restaurant in Dean Street in soho. I comfort myself that every time I eat there (as a shareholder) I get a free glass of wine. Not entirely sure the economics ever quite work in my favour though :upside_down_face:

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Having enjoyed a delicious Sancerre on Valentine’s Day, tonight we have its neighbour, Pouilly Fumé, also from Waitrose. Less fruity and more mineral, just lovely.


Totally agree Rod, wished I could get Wirra Wirra for under a tenner. I’ve had a few over the years and they were always enjoyable.

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I feel a trip to Lidl is justified…

They also have some products that I buy for the local food kitchen.

So it will be a double result

Best wishes



In Milan yesterday. From Tirano, on the road to Stelvio Pass.

There were very different opinions about this wine, I will call it divisive.


Not jealous too much of the wine, but jealous of the trip up Stelvio. Is it open?

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Stelvio is very well closed now and guarded by some two meters of snow. The situation right now is as per the picture below. Typically it opens in May or even as late as beginning of June.



those are the best kind. I love a good wine argument

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I expected that but wondered with this warm winter being reported as little snow on the slopes.

Late September with the snow following me down. Closed the next day.


Of course you must love a Sfursat.


Nino negri, and cheap as chips. :slightly_smiling_face:

Wine had at a a farm stay with friends on the weekend.
Felton Rd Block 6 Chardonnay 2022 NZ
Bollinger PN TX2017 (still one of my favourites)
Ayala Brut Majeur Extra Age (preferred by the woman folk)
Askerne HB Chardonnay 2021 NZ
Seifried Barrique Chardonnay 2020 NZ



Sometimes one comes across a real gem. This is one.

In September 2022 I was travelling in France, and visited Bergerac. On one of my wine foraging cycle rides took me sampling some wines in the Pécharmant domsin - a wine appellation I had never heard of. I bought several, at different prices and ages from different producers. This was from the smallest and most unassuming of them, and quite inexpensive direct from the vineyard like that.

And wow! It beats all others from that area, and indeed all others on that trip, indeed most wines I’ve drunk costing 5 or 10x what I paid. An absolutely superb wine - and of all the wines I bought on that trip it is the one to which I will go out of my may to buy more next time I am passing anywhere near.

I almost hesitate to post this lest too many others buy it and encourage him to put up his prices - or, worse, sell out.


What did the Felton Ariad Chardonnay taste like?

JC Clare Nebbiolo 2022 Langhe by Vajra
This wine Is made to a recipe from 1606 and is an example of how the wine from the Piedmont

region used to taste in the olden days. It’s bottled straight after fermentation and is a clear blood red colour. It’s slightly spritzig and tastes of tart cherry and herbs. Quite crunchy and smashable.


Sounds like an excellent discovery. We don’t get it way down here in NZ. I gather it’s a red wine made from Merlot and Cabernet. It’s probably better than anything we make here and one fifth the price!

I’m a big fan of Pecharment. Great value, but hard to find in the U.K.

From Prato, 2019


just the average Monday evening with a few friends from Cornwall

water this today!


Wowzers, what a line up!!

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