Which wine are you drinking? Tell us about it

Black estate Home Block Pinot Noir 2013 Waipara North Canterbury
Very rich meaty nose with undergrowth notes.
Very light colour and fading fruit on the palate but very good with paella.


I’m popping round to see a couple of old friends tonight whom I haven’t seen since pre-COVID times, a Pauillac came out of the cellar for the trip. (2001 Batailley)
Then in 2 weeks time I’m at a port party at another couple of friends’ place, they’re planning to open the ‘63 they got for a wedding present back in 1995 along with some other ports they have picked up on various holidays in Porto. (They were both born in ’63 which is why they got that vintage.) I thought I’d better bring a contribution so I had a peek in the Eurocave and a Quinta do Vesuvio ‘91 looked like a good choice.


I thought Eurocave was a wine shop, a quick tail thru’ the internet and I am slightly wiser .

I have a Samsung (touching wood ) Wine Fridge I am very pleased with.

It is in Mum’s old bedroom , she would not be impressed -oh no , far from it

best wishes


When I lived in a flat in London I eventually had enough part cases lying around to make it worthwhile investing in something to stop them becoming expensive vinegar when my overnight guests turned on the radiator in the spare bedroom. :grinning:


The 2021 ‘Moment of Silence’ from Blank Bottle which we had with pan fried halibut. I never get tired of this wine and it is just singing now


Mega-discovery (for me) wine from Lombardy recommended by the charming and very competent waitress from Senegal in a hotel in an Italian enclave in Switzerland on the way home from Sicily.


That’s good one less halibut to deal with now. :grin:


Arf arf!!

I could get used to this, a lovely Bordeaux with plenty of fruit and a good balance. We’ll be having it with Spaghetti alla Puttanesca, perhaps an unlikely food pairing but hey, why not? Best of all, it’s finally warm enough to eat in the garden.


Friends over for bbq. Chapel Down Grand Reserve 2018 and a couple of bottles of Mas de Daumas Gassac 2010 to have with barbecued lamb. Fabulous wine


We seem to have too many of the same bottles @crispyduck - now worrying you have a tunnel into my wine storage.


Most enjoyable today. Last of my 2020 Sauvignon Blanc from Duncan Savage. It’s much more Loire in style and 4 years from vintage it’s delicious. The Beaujolais was also drinking well and after such a lovely day very happy indeed.



I have been disappointed by Barolos in the past. This 2018 Barolo, which I picked up in Turin, is delicious


That was my take, as well, at one point. I’m finding now they require more time than I was giving them.
As I’m getting on now, I’ve been looking for Barolos that already have some years on them. Not that easy a feat in Canada with our restrictive alcohol ditribution policies.


Yes, I could not get a handle on why they were so special on release. Tannic, acidic, lacking fruit and completely lacking in any charm. It’s a very different story after 10 years when the tar and roses come out.

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had these brunello di montalcino Banfi yesterday with a steak


That looks lovely

Nice and simple , and that is a good thing .


thanks i wanted to make a Potato and Sweet Potato Mash but get lazy so pulled these frozen country wedges


Some of these frozen wedges and frozen potatoes are very good.

When I blew my knee our farm shop had just started selling frozen roast potatoes , a real time saver and leg saver .

I am growing about eight pots of Desiree potatoes this year , all for roasting

Two Hands Ares 2014 - propably the best red I’ve ever tasted. Pricewise - not so great.