Who’s not watching football

If it isn’t Wimbledon, then it’s football. Or vice versa.

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Me. Never watched it. Played two weeks when I was seven. Short career.


I listen to music 7 nights a week; play guitar and write daily also; always have a book on the go; watch at least 1 film and a couple of TV things every week and take in a couple of non EPL games most weeks plus a meal out. It is perfectly possible to watch football but not have it dominate any aspect of your cultural life.

Memories of standing freezing on a windswept rain or slush sodden field, week after week, being forced to play school football. Killed any enthusiasm stone dead for decades to come :soccer::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I feel the same about playing rugby; doing cross country and many other ball sports. It’s. never stopped me enjoying them though.

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Followed by going to get changed in an unheated wooden ‘changing room’, water frozen in the taps, fingers too cold to do up any of my buttons. Absolutely awful. Child abuse, I reckon.


So burnt into my memories, it seems just like yesterday. :cold_face:

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Sadly we had an all weather pitch, the bits of gravel were guaranteed to lodge in my legs whatever the weather! I can confess also to never having been to a live football match.

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That’s exactly how it was!

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Do you mean that thing where the jumping, running, kicking people move a ball around a field? :roll_eyes:



Watching submarines racing is far more fun😂