Yes i too have found n-SATs warm up. I don’t think i’ve ever come across a speaker that warm up like they do. My old Credos used to warm up but not anywhere to the extent of n-SATs, or should i rather say “very revealing of the equipment warming up?”
We have had the same nSats and factory stands, bought second hand, since 2006 or so. First with the Nait5i, then the NaitXS, then with the added FlatcapXS, and now with the bare Supernait3 driven by the MacBookPro and Roon via the Qutest DAC. My son tried them with the UQ2b and the Nova. They had the most bass with the FlatcapXS, but I like them very well with the bare SN3 and don’t feel the need for a HiCap yet.
Thanks Skip
I must try them with my SN3/Hicap DR ( which is in my main house in Sydney) which I’ve never done
I bet they will sound fantastic
A pair of n-sats just arrived. I believe they are the first and only ones in my country. Don’t mention the matching stands, finding hen teeth might be easier. I will still be looking for them though.
If you look at how the n-Sats attach to their dedicated stands you will find the connection is easy to replicate. I have the correct stands (not for sale!) but mine are actually on generic wall brackets (around £30 a pair from Ebay) with the plates modified to replicate the correct fixings. About half an hour’s work with a drill and a couple of bolts. Sounds excellent, certainly as good as when they were on their stands.
Many thanks for your advice. I’ll consider the generic wall bracket solution if I cannot find a pair of n-stands in a certain time.
The stands you currently have look very acceptable for the nSATs Bandit
If they sound good to you then wouldn’t lose too much sleep over not locating the nsats stands
If I recall correctly, you previously had some ProAcs. Do you prefer the Sats? You may want to move your Hicap to the bottom shelf, which should improve things a little.
Yes, I did. I prefer the n-sats so far for their fuller and punchier sound in this room.
The Hicap is actually on the lowest shelf. The one beside nac72 is a 140. Shall I move it to the lowest shelf together with the Hicap? Many thanks for your advice.
Thanks Bevo. I also like the look of n-stands. I can push the speakers closer to the wall with them too. By the way, the solid steel is acceptable as you mentioned.
Yes, you should put the 140 at the bottom. Getting the transformer away from the sensitive preamp is always a good idea.
It’s interesting that you prefer the Sats. They look nice on those stands and I wouldn’t rush to get the nSat stands unless you particularly like the looks.
Thank you HH, I will let the 72 live alone then. I think it also looks neater too.
I agree that the n-Sats look very nice on your stands. However the Naim stands support them in a very different way. The two knobs on the back loosely slot into U shaped recesses and there is a bolt that bears on the metal disc lower down, thus they are not held rigidly and are supported from the rear rather than the base.
I have no idea how either method impacts on the sound, but given how cheap and easy it is to replicate the Naim arrangement it may be worth trying. You could even modify your existing stands with a bit of fabrication.
Look like they are floating in the air on their stands. Thank you for your advice pev999. Much appreciated.
Visually, another vote for the n-sat stands. I think they look really good with the speakers. Don’t know about sonic differences though. Stands usually have a significant effect on stand-mounts.
That’s exactly it - the design of the n-Stand was to try to fix the speaker rigidly in a space with just three small points, like it’s floating, allowing the energy of the box to dissipate more evenly and the sound to radiate minimising any stand interference.
Thanks Richard for the explanation. I will keep an eye to looking for them but no rush since I’m quite satisfied with the Solid Steel stands so far. They’re also approved by some of fellow members here.
Out of curiosity does anyone know if n-Sat main drive units were built in-house or were they to Naim’s specifications from someone like Peerless etc?
Excellent question Stephen don’t know one for @Richard.Dane i would think
The drivers for n-Sats weren’t built in-house. They were made by and supplied to Naim’s specification by Vifa.