Why is this board so 'blokey'?

It really is! Just look at the various threads - cars, booze, sports, etc.

Where is the other half of the human race? :thinking:

They are here…

Just not so many of them… On here… :thinking:

Probably because most of the members on here ARE blokes. Perhaps a poll is in order to establish this?


A question that’s been asked a few times, think the place would be better if there was more women here. There’s nothing stopping them just think that hi fi is a bit of blokey topic.


In this new Non-Binary world, it might also matter as what you identify as🤔
Just for the record 101% bloke here, but I do also represent the views of Mrs Q from time to time😉


It is isn’t it. I think it’s upto the other members of whatever sex or self identification to start the topics that interest them. Everyone is entirely free to do so.

However even for some of us who identify as blokes, often the threads in the lounge appear dull and cliché… I am afraid many of the topics I would find interesting are not topics about sport, materialism or consumption, which seem to dominate, are outside the AUP of this forum.


It must be an English thing. In NZ the girls are into cars, booze and sports :sunglasses:. But hi-fi is more of a boys thing. I don’t think it’s an issue.


My wife is a member of a sewing needlework forum. She tells they don’t have the same discussion about ‘lack of blokes’, although there are some… For some reason I’m not surprised.


Or is that ‘mansplaining’? :grin:

Yeah my sister likes cars, and Mrs. FZ goes to see the baseball, rugger, footie regularly and drags my son while me and my daughter, who both can’t stand stadiums or anything that goes along with them, stay at home and I bake.

And my sister has proper separates on a proper rack that she chose to pay for.

The difference is, I suppose, my sister wouldn’t spend time on a forum for anything and neither would Mrs. FZ.


My wife belongs to a sea swimming group - and they positively discourage male participation :slight_smile:


Not an issue… Just an observation. Maybe women listen while men just hear the sound… :thinking:

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Are you sure? My daughter and wife spend a significant amount of time on FB and WhatsApp groups. I do feel social media is generally becoming more a female thing these days.

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Just shows how different we all are, I find some of the audio threads constantly banging on about cable upgrades who’s system better than someone else’s a bit monotonous. While I do realise it is a hi fi form it does lead to consumption and materialism.


I totally agree about that … but as you say it is a hifi forum… but perhaps to your point there is a little grand standing - and ‘my dad is bigger than your dad’ - I tend to tune out of those - and look for the nuggets. Again it’s the ‘materialism’ aspect that personally I detest - but that starts moving into politics… which we can’t discuss here.


I know you like a good network, but I had no idea you were actually married to one!


LOL very good… I am not sure radio and salt water go together - unless reflecting signals :slight_smile:


I’m sure. They have zero interest is such things. Mrs. FZ seems to have a technological blind spot. She might be a millennial (just) but anything with a button on it confounds her. It’s seriously embarrassing. She’s never even seen FB. It’s like she was born in 1820 and walked through a wormhole.

My sister is very savvy, but she’s like me in her preference for IRL. The Naim forum is the only social media I will engage with. My only WhatsApp group is for the extended family (which obviously Mrs. FZ doesn’t cope with).

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You should start a new thread about it. Could be the next big forum craze.


Call it “Mermaids in Suffolk”