Wilmslow Audio?

Hi everybody

Ive tying to contact the above re my sibnles refresh and just cannot get hold of them? Phoned numerous times and emailed…does anyone know if they’ve gone on their hols, or gone the way of the Witch hat?


Their website has recent customer comments on it - several within the last month - ??

They have a Facebook page - try that…?

Yep I just checked as well and there doesn’t seem to be any concerns. Lots of articles and reviews. Maybe their watching Aus v Denmark :grin:

Most audio shops don’t open on Monday

When I was there a few months ago they were getting set for a change of premises.
I don’t know if that has happened yet, but could be a reason for a comms break. :thinking:
They were certainly busy enough, so I’d be surprised if they had folded. I really hope not, as I have another pair of Keilidh’s for them to work on…:grimacing:

Yeah, I visited a couple of weeks ago and they are preparing for a move. I’m sure it’s just they are in the middle of that.

Thanks everyone…it was indeed the move that was reason for a break in coms. Used their FB page to contact them and Steve answered very promptly. Panic over.



Yay…!!! Result.

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