Worth up grading?

I run a vintage set up nac112/nap150/stageline/KEF reference model one. Thinking of changing the nac112. I would like your opinon to the following alternatives:
1 - nac 152xs
2 - nac 172xs
3 - Do not bother the change. Too old etc.

Looking forword to any suggestions.

Ron (in Sweden)

The NAC112 is well worth upgrading here. However, while the NAC152xs is a much improved pre-amp over the NAC112, the main thing that will be holding everything back is the pre-amp supply inside the NAP150. Therefore, a Flatcap2/2x would be my recommendation, and if that means saving some money on the pre-amp then look at the wonderful NAC122x or even a NAC202.

The NAC172xs is interesting as it has its own onboard supply, so the NAP150 is freed to work at its best. You also get an onboard DAC and streamer. Against that you get fewer analogue inputs, and perhaps most importantly here, you lose the powered AUX2 socket for your Stageline, so that might be a deal breaker…

What are your sources?


I am running a NAC 112, Nap 150, and Flatcap 2X with a ND5XS2 in my office system. Sounds very good indeed.


  1. NAC152XS. It’s vital that you get your NAP150 re-capped too, assuming it has not been touched since 2004 etc.

When you can, add a FCXS and put both outputs on the NAC152XS. (You will need another Snaic 5.) Your Stageline will love it.


Thank you for your suggestions. I Do run the Flatcap 2 as well (forgot that ……). It is quite difficult to find second hand NAC’s for sale here in Sweden, but I have located the affore mentioned 152xs and 172xs.
By you reply I would go for the 152xs then?

Best regards

Thank you for your important input. I had them checked last year with no remarks. But I quess it was because the shop where not too familiar whit Naim……
I Will talk with them agin when the NAC upgrade has been done

Best regards

Thanks Ron. Understood. It sounds like it might be worth emailing Naim directly to find out who can service your NAP150 and FC2 in Sweden. Alternatively a Swedish forum member might be able to help.

Two things are for sure: Those of us in the UK have it easy regarding servicing, and I’m a huge believer in the NAC152XS.


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Hi Ron - I run a 172 with a NAP 155; it’s a brilliant combination. Expect the 150 to be very good as well, however Richard is right that you’d need to power your Stageline. So having to buy a FC might be a deal breaker for the 172.

Do you already have a streamer?

Think he already has a flatcap, just an interconnect cable possibly would be needed. Agreed 172 is interesting proposition. Never had one, but 272 are around now at really good prices. The 152 really is excellent and underrated especially with flatcar xs and both sides powering the 152.

I would buy Nac 202/Nap 200 instead, more value for money. There is one on hifitorget.se now with NAPSC, maybe you can get a better price with some negotiation.

Thank’s for your useful input!
Yep, got a Cambridge vx2 with this set up.

Best regards

Just wanted to swap the 112.
Akkelis in Gothenburg have a very nice combo for a decent price. But not for me at the moment. I am running a Nait xs2 at the cottage as well and both set ups are undergoing cable updating. Therefore - have to wait for the real system updating



If you’ve got the Cambridge streamer, I wouldn’t go down the 172 route (as much as I think the SQ is great.) Functionality wise, the 172 is a few steps backwards.

I think @Christopher_M is right - if you can do the 152, I’d do that. And recap the 150 or find a 155 in your travels. Flatcap it and you’ll almost be a card-carrying-member of the ‘those tired of downsizing threads…’ thread. :star_struck:

To you all!
Big thank’s for all your input. Seem to be a bit of a hazzle this …… Sweden is no Naim country, really……
I’ve come to the conclution to keep said system intact and move it to my garage when a new Naim set up is purchased. It is good enough for now :smile:

Wishing y’all a pleasant evening!

Sweden has a good and experienced Naim distributor in Carl-Michael Engvall. He’s a very nice chap so maybe give him a call?

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A bit far away from me. But i’ll talk to my dealer later this week (?) when I pick up my new Chord Epic XL speaker cables :smile:

I realise Sweden is huge but I do not understand this statement. Please explain.


Not really. The distributor is 418 km away. I will not send my amp by swedish postal system……. risky business. My local dealer sell Naim and of course I will ask them if they or someone else in Stockholm recap. I have tried one repair shop by I did not find them too interested in special work.
However, the more I think of this ”problem” the choser I get to purchase something new /newer. Still keeping the old stuff, of course. :smile:

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