XPS olive is it worth it?

I would need your opinion.

I use the NDX2 alone on my system.

Here there is a used olive XPS power supply for sale with its connection cable included for 1000.$ CAD or 680 Euro.

Would this old power supply (which was recaped
in 2019) improve the musicality of the NDX2 in your opinion or would it be better to forget this device?



You cannot use an Olive XPS on a streamer.


As said above, you cannot use an olive XPS to power an NDX2. Forget it.


ok thanks, I didn’t know😉
Only these two devices were compatible:
1- XPS DR or
2- 555 PS DR ?
No other one?

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The original black XPS2 and the 555PS are fine. Basically anything in the Classic case, but not olive.


The XPS DR is the NDX 2’s natural partner.


I have an XPS2 powering my main system NDX2 and it’s great. Maybe not quite up to a DR capability (I haven’t compared the two) but it’s still a noticeable improvement over a bare NDX2.

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