XS power supplies: XP5 on nDAC and Flatcap2 on Nait XS3 benefits?

swap your amp for a sn, earlier classic combo or just wait for new products to come.
I were you I’d not act at this stage.

Not acting is so not me, so I upgraded the mains block :wink:


Hi, I just added the FlatCap XS to the NAIT XS3 and it made a world of difference, it made the NAIT really shine. I run a ND5 XS2 on it and PMC FB1+ speakers. It gained a lot in more clarity, more energy and overall definition while keeping all the warmth. Strongly recommend it.


Wonderful, thanks for sharing that!

The forum tends to dismiss the slimline power supplies recommending to upgrade to a higher level first (which then also needs power supplies…)

So at last/least real-life accounts that the Flatcap2-XS on the Nait XS3 and the XP5-XS on the nDAC can make a worthwhile contribution.

Will have to post something in the “tired of downsizing” thread as I now know I could expand my slimline system from 3 to to 5 boxes :slight_smile:

(Just when I was thinking of downsizing again, this time before satisfying the full stack curiosity and only thén downsizing. Anyway I’ll keep this in mind for possible plans)

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Which wasn’t a good idea, back to standard and mains block sold off.

You’re living in the wrong era, daddycool. Look at this!:


Those were the days!:wink:

Back to stacks! :joy: Great brochure, thanks.

No wires in sight as with the Nova PE advertising, seems they had wireless systems then already! :wink: And that for an active system. Nice period-looking pre-Fraim audio rack also.

I tried the XP5XS on an ND5XS and to me it was a waste of money - such a marginal improvement for the money. Buying a different DAC (Chord Hugo) at significantly less cost brought a far greater improvement in sound quality.

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With the nDAC and your current amplification I would get an XPS2.

The XP5PS whilst may match your system nicely in the looks department, with slimline boxes, will not do nearly as much as an XPS2. That’s not to say it won’t make an improvement.

I just wouldn’t do it. If you don’t want full size boxes, maybe you’d be better to leave the nDac as it is.

I wouldn’t get a 555PS for the nDac as I think you may need to improve your amplification with your current XS3. It would almost be overkill. It’s about system synergy. What you currently have is about right.

And you have previously said that you don’t want a Supernait.

Bottom of the range syndrome, there are many sufferers here.


Yes you mentioned that already earlier in the thread.

But that doesn’t preclude it could work well on a nDAC, no? And there is feedback on the forum that it can. Very different application, streamer or dac.

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Yes Dan, don’t worry, even though it crossed my mind I will likely not go to a full slimline stack myself. I’m good for now, digital sounds great, and as often an analogue source upgrade (LP12 to Karousel/Radikal) brings all the fun I need for now.

But I am happy that the slimline boxes do get some acknowledgement, and I really liked the brochure from @Ardbeg10y !

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It seems I may have forgotten that I had already posted!

Of course not having heard the XP5XS on an nDAC I don’t know what difference it would make, though unless the nDAC has an inferior internal PS compared to the ND5XS (which includes a DAC), it would seem to me unlikely that its benefit would be much greater.

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I have a XP5XS connected to my nDac right now and it’s a great uplift,more impact and analogue sounding


The nDac still uses the internal PSU for the digital side when a XP5XS is connected,one transformer for the digital and one for the analogue matters


I finally pulled the trigger on a NAIT XS3, which should arrive next week. Despite a great deal being available on a Flatcap I decided against it. The conventional wisdom (?) and comment from the dealer was that it wasn’t something he’d tried and besides you’d be better off going to Supernait3.

The flaw in that logic is that at present in Australia the SN3 would cost roughly double the price of a XS3 with Flatcap - due to the change in distributors and available run outs at bargain prices. So a “cheap” Flatcap might still make sense if the improvements are substantial.


Great amp - hopefully you’ll be pleased with it. What’s it replacing?


Congrats! The XS3 is a great amp!


That is the purpose of this thread, to finally hear from people who have actually tried.

After that all avenues are good of course, but at least it will be informed not this easy dogma.