YouTube Premium and YouTube Music

I’ve always loved music videos since the groundbreaking ones of the 70s/80s though sadly many are SD quality unless there is film footage to revisit an create better quality ones.

For several years I suspect my main music listening with modern artists/bands employs HD YouTube videos via the projector to give a big screen experience with audio via the ‘system’. Thoroughly enjoyable.

Is it different mixes, or does video add additional visual cues for understanding lyrics?

Naturally non YouTube sources should be better, but are they as enjoyable?

Anyhow, the increasing problem is adverts between the videos or even interrupting longer ones.

Have you had experience with YouTube Premium as 30 sec adverts are annoying me.

If I didn’t have to create a Google account I’d probably have signed up long ago to give it a whirl.

How much personal info do they need when you sign up?


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What made me snap is the game advert that involves a female enemy eating male adventurers that could last several minutes without a skip on my pc. I honestly don’t remember how much info is required for a google account as I’ve had one for years long before I subscribed. I will say that mine isn’t under my real name and google doesn’t seem to care. I pay for YouTube premium via PayPal so you don’t have to put your card details in directly. Just remember to set up your subscription via the website on a computer rather than the mobile app so you don’t get the google/Apple tax


Also got my Google account ages ago so also can’t remember.

BUT it’s Google, and we all know that they don’t mess around in gathering and storing info about users.

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That’s my concern, but I suspect they already know who I am from IP lookups, especially as mine is fixed.

I mainly watch via AppleTV, and I don’t think that currently uses the iCloud Private Browsing type tech that hides your real IP address - that would be handy.

Good suggestion.

I’ve used PayPal in the past for several things to try to have a bit of anonymity but I think they share your personal details with the vendor even if they don’t share card info - may be wrong.

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Honestly I don’t think on enough levels to achieve any sort of privacy on the internet.

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Even if we’re careful, I don’t think we can escape all the data mining.

We’re a family of 4 with teens, one of each gender. Is it it any way surprising that the majority of ads I see on YouTube are for makeup, clothes, games, cars or feminine hygiene products? Or is that just the average family demographic?

Google is really terrible when it comes to policing their ads for example that several month long period where the ads were often using rocket ships taking off as a euphemism. It was as transparent as glass.

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Ask yourself if Google will know much more about you than they already do using the add based version, I guess.

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Our main source of viewing is now youtube so premium was a no brainer as they say. That they are watching me, probably, along with apple, microsoft, meta, NHS, etc etc. If this bothers you then you have to stay off the internet, its as simple as that.

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