You've just settled in

Not like the inside of the TARDIS that’s for sure …

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I’m all for room treatment but I want to relax when I listen to music and for me there is nothing in that image I would find relaxing at all.

It has the ambience of an interrogation suite and I’d be expecting shadowy figures to emerge from the back of the TV. The treatment itself doesn’t look expensive because it looks broadly like a cross between the traditional tops of egg boxes and the top of Lego. It looks cheap and unfinished and the room looks like a converted storage cupboard. Something a dealer might build thinking it would impress when really it has no real world connection to how most of us enjoy our music.

Sorry to be so brutal. We enjoy what we enjoy but that’s as far away from a relaxing environment to love music as I could possibly imagine.


Looks amazing!

It is interesting how using RT can change the presentation of a system so much – and all you’ve done here is to apply it in an indiscreet/highly visible manner, which is the only option for you. Of course, many rooms/spaces are treated from ‘ground-up’ in the design process.

I’m with you, in that it’s not the aesthetic which matters, but what the result is, and if you listen to music in very low/no light, the aesthetic hardly matters :grin:

But apart from that?!

Seriously though I have to agree. No disrespect intended to the OP - each to his/her own.

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I’m struggling to see the difference between that and a padded cell.

More seriously, the fact it’s out of alignment from the skirting upwards next to the switch makes it look a bit half arsed. You wouldn’t want them tiling your bathroom.

Similarly, that’s not low lighting. It’s stark and harsh casting shadows like something from a horror film. How tense must you be in the first place if that’s what relaxes you?


Oh yawn.

To be fair I’d never be able to yawn in that room. I’d be on pins :rofl:

I highly second covering the TV. It irks me every time I see a system pic with big flat black screen between the speakers. Just can’t imagine looking it, and it would have negative affect on the sound waves.
Ideally, I would have the TV in a different room. Can’t do that at the mo, but when we move house in a few years it’s one of our objectives. We never have the TV on when we’re listening or entertaining, except maybe for watching the ball drop at New Years Eve.

Really depends on other factors. We have a 50” between our speakers but it’s attached to the wall above a fireplace. Having experimented and measured before and after installation and then with various coverings etc. we found zero meaningful difference in sound quality; room nodes; frequency changes etc.

Here I’d think an uncovered TV would help. A room that dead would be tedious. The music would be detailed, clinical and up for analysis but likely not engaging or with any life about it. Appreciate someone else above has already made a similar observation.

I’ve never been tempted to mess with room treatments. I tell a lie - I was once tempted but after much research I decided against it.

Done professionally by an expert using professional grade measuring tools it might possibly bring some benefit. But done in an amatuer way using off-the-shelf bits and pieces it will certainly change the sound of the room but is probably more likely to make it sound worse than improve it. It is a job for a skilled experienced professional.

Domestic hi-fi equipment is designed for use in a normal domestic environment, not in a recording studio.


An authoritatively-framed post from someone with no experience of working with and applying room treatment.

Newsflash - it can make a big difference and with only a small amount of it.

p.s. recording studio environments are managed in a very different way to domestic set-ups.


So essentially most posts on most forums then? People discussing stuff they know something but perhaps not everything about.

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You don’t say? :crazy_face:

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