250 vs 250 DR

If you really want to investigate, I’d suggest hearing how a 282-250 combo compares to SN3 according to your ears, and ideally in your listening groom. Given pricing, you could also look at a second-hand 252 for c.£4500 instead of a new 282, and there are some good value ex-dems on eBay from time to time.

However, there is no guarantee that you will actually hear the sort of ‘night and day’ differences so often mentioned on this forum. The comparison needs a bit of time to be sure, given the biases and fallibilities we all have. You may hear a huge difference or you may decide that at the volume you listen in your actual room, the difference is not as big as we all claim.

People here often behave as if it is an admission of failure to hear not much difference between ££ and ££££££, but this is silly. You have a great system already. If a 282/250 or 252/250 makes a big difference to your ears, they will tell you.

If not, just think what you can do with €7000! How about 300 brand new bits of vinyl?

I think that all we are really saying is that, (a) if you are going to the trouble to audition anything, please have a listen to a better turntable too as it may surprise, and (b) the prices and ages you mention don’t look silly, but you should factor in getting a service for anything that has had a decade + without one, esp a 250.

Please do let us know your conclusions.


What troubles me is the fact that sn3 has no difficulty to drive the Ovators.
I’m pretty sure the 282/250 combo will do a better job, but does it worth the extra money???
Maybe it would be more wise to buy a better turntable, e.g. the Technics sl1210g??

The SN3 is a great amp and will for sure get a lot of volume from your speakers. It’s simply that a 282/250 will drive them with more control and give a greater insight into the music. It’s simply a much better amplifier. Until you’ve heard it you won’t know what you are missing of course, and if you improve the amp then a better source becomes they bit more important.


Problem is: suppose you go up a level, say to 282/250 + PSs, and then find you’re 96% satisfied and wondering about moving to 252/300? And then ….

Why not sit back and enjoy the music for a while?



yes a 282/250 is definitely worth the extra money, but maybe not with your level of source.

the 282 preamp is simply a much superior one that the one inside the SN3 with much better separation of instruments, open and spacious sound, much better bass control and the 250.2 amplifier is also much better, as it has the 007 transistors and a fully regulated power supply which will control the ovators in a tighter grip than an unregulated amplifier can. The 250 DR has even better transistors 009 with an even better noise floor.

try to look into Linn Lp12 or Rega Rp8 before thinking of upgrading to 282/250 level of Naim

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Good advice.

When I upgraded to 282 from SN3 I was pretty gobsmacked (in fact, very gobsmacked - the first 282 night I couldn’t stop playing records) but over a short time I felt that ‘96%’ feeling…so onward and upward. Luckily, the next step up was for me the real game changer.
The gains are really good (I wouldnt go back unless I absolutely had to), but be aware…they can cost.

If you’re happy, enjoy the music - while you consider what itch you want or even need to scratch and how much the back-scratcher may cost.

(After SN3 and 250DR, I bought all second hand btw. Something to consider - there are good pre-loved bargains out there.)


From SN3 to 282/250 is a big step and worth the money (with a good source that is) … It is very probable, the next will be to replace Ovators… Also worth the money. :slight_smile:


I went from SN2 to 282/250.2 and had also tried out the 250DR in my system. I preferred the 250.2 at the time, though looking back it’s possibly because that amp had sonic similarities to the SN2; a bit darker than the DR but more power and control than the SN2. I did end up also upgrading my source as a result of the pre/power move and am now a believer in source-first after the experience. This was for digital… my turntable is a P5 and I do enjoy it, but don’t really have comparison points either.

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Save your cash. You will never find 100% once you jump on the naim escalator - and the sl1210 is a great tt, despite the experts’ opinions mine (with standard arm/cart) sounds just dandy whether with my 202/200 or my new and overly expensive 252/300. FYI I’m currently tarranging to return my new amps as whilst they offer different sq I don’t think they enhance my enjoyment of music to the tune of what they cost- and before the experts chime in with my lower order source I mostly use an nds or cdx2


Thank you guys for your comments.
The Ovators ain’t going anywhere- I’m gonna die & burried with them…lol.
Seriously i love them both sonically & aesthetically.
Anyway, yesterday my dealer called me & informed me he found a 5-7 years old 250dr in great condition.
Probably tomorrow I’ll go grab it as well with the 282 & bring them home.


I’m surprised at your feelings re 202/200 and 252/300, must admit…but hey ho, we all hear and value things differently. When I had SN3 I was not persuaded by my friend’s 202 combo (persuaded to change I mean ), nice as it was (other factors like speakers/his room etc of course may have affected that.) But…vive le difference!

You’re in for a treat.
I damn near played my entire record collection in the week following hooking up the 282 - and I loved the SN3.

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I was just wondering if you have bought the new 252/300 or they are demo from the dealer. If they are new, perhaps they need time to loosen up a bit?

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Lol! Enjoy the ride, save your pennies and look forward to your 552, 500, nd555 and fraime- £50k should do it but at least the sl1210 will be tt enough!!

I understand the (new) amps improve with use or because ones’ ears learn to like their sound, I’ve spent a lot of time most days over near four weeks waiting for an uplift… instead disappointment grows


This I was a tough decision as the dealer is apparently providing a good price for the trade in. Very understandable that you would take the opportunity to upgrade.

Being an lp listener nearly all of the time and if fully immersed in the Naim system esthetic, I would have looked at a Superline w/power supply (even all the way to Supercap) before moving on from the SN3. I do think with the Supernaits, one can always max the source before moving on.

Well…you will get more control…detail and separation. You will also be able to turn it up louder whilst retaining an open sound stage. You are right…you don’t need any more volume…its about grip control…etc.
Your amp is already pretty darn good…you would probably see big differences in bass…


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