272/555DR/250DR --> 222/555DR/250 observations

Good news on your initial impressions of 222/250 without 555. I admire your self control, I probably would plug it straight in to the 555! Should be interesting to hear how thing develop over next few weeks.

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Very glad to hear you’re enjoying the upgrade.

You have waited a long time to make this change.

Please keep us updated as the weeks go by.

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Pleased that this has paid off for you, although when you receive the “legacy cable” to connect 555, given what the 300 adds, prepare yourself for a further WOW moment. Enjoy.

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The streaming board in gen2 players and NSC is a big improvement on a 272 isn’t it!


I presume you realise that many lossless iRadio stations are supported natively on 2nd gen streamers. They are listed in a separate category that isn’t shown on the 1st gen streamers, so chances are you don’t have to add anything manually.

Congratulations! My only criticism so far, pretty trivial, is that the edges of the heat-sinks feel very sharp when maneuvering equipment on a shelf. Having done that once I don’t expect to do it again for years!

It would be interesting to know where the improvement is coming from with so many changes in two components, gen3 streaming, dac, pre and analogue stages, 100w amp, balanced outputs, etc etc etc. But yeah, overall big improvement.

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I saw those but the descriptions indicated 1K kbps so I wasn’t sure. Some back and forth and it appears they’re the same.

I agree, the edges are sharp. I will say the aesthetics are much better in person and the lighting which was giving me some concern works out for me. The dimmest setting is very subtle and not bothersome like I thought it might be. Still, I think I favor the more subtle styling of the old classic, beveled edges, less shiny, etc. But not a major concern when the components are sitting in a rack.

That’s why I moved my NC250 to the Fraim. That allows you to hold it front to back as you install it. It’s surprising how much heavier it is than the 250DR and SCDR.

Running in for only 16 hours and the 222/250 can already handle the more demanding tracks. So much space and slam, great sound stage. I continue to be impressed.


Yes 1kg more than classic 250 :smiling_face:

So your opinion is that the 222/250 is better than 272/555/250? I haven’t heard either but if this turns out to be the common opinion about these set ups it sure seems like it is one impressive pre/streamer/amplifier-combo😊

That’s a good question, certain qualities are certainly better. It’s a very satisfying combo. If you told me I couldn’t upgrade from here it wouldn’t be the end of the world. Assuming the components haven’t yet fully come into their own. That said I’m anxious to see what the 555 brings. I won’t have the cable until next week it’s looking like so plenty of time to get familiarized with the 222/250 which I don’t mind.


I wouldn’t be at all surprised if NC wins that battle.

The 272 with a PSU is great, but it was easy to improve the internet streaming side of things using a Raspberry PI into an nDAC. We did hear ND5XS2 into 272 at one point, also better. When we got our NDX2 we ran that into a SuperUniti temporarily and it was also better SQ for internet streaming than 272/XPSDR to our ears.

The 222 brings great improvements to the pre section as well.

Our dealer always said ND5XS2/282 was much better than 272 for internet streaming.


The 555 is really a difference maker with the 272 that’s why I’m reluctant to be too critical about its capabilities but there’s no denying the 222 on its own with the 250 is already a special combination.

I loved adding the 555DR to my 272.

But ND5XS2/DAC/555DR/52 is something else.


Well after a week of burning in and extensive listening I can confirm what I suspected early on. The 222/250 alone are beating the 272/555DR/250DR in overall SQ and enjoyment. I’m rediscovering albums I haven’t listened to in ages b/c they just didn’t sound as good previously. All of a sudden they sound amazing. The voicing, spacing of instruments, inky blacks, and overall sound stage just pull you in to the performance. So much detail and no harshness. The best Naim I’ve owned to date. And the legacy to NC burndy cable arrives on Monday.


Ok, now the question is: how much of what you’re hearing comes from moving from the 250DR to 250NC, rather than the change of source? Because i can also confirm almost all of your findings by moving from 272/555DR/250DR to a 300DR…
Where the 250DR sounded course and even shrill sometimes (with a slight exaggeration of course), that has been fully mitigated by the 300DR.
So we’re actually coming back to the question of 300DR vs 250NC.

To be clear you’re not confirming my findings with the addition of a 300DR. I suspect the new streaming platform is contributing significantly to the improved SQ. As is the 250. How much each contribute separately remains to be seen. I’ve listened to 300DR in dealer demo systems as well as a home system but I don’t have experience with it in my home. That said I’ll take the 250 all day long. It’s a remarkable amp and a big shift from the DR amps. Currently the 222/250 are outperforming the 272/555/250DR overall.