272/555DR/250DR --> 222/555DR/250 observations

Not surprised you’re finding that and it’s totally to be expected.

The streaming card in the 222 is shared with NDX2 and is a big improvement on the card in the 272 which sounds rather closed in by comparison.

The pre amp in the 222 is the new generation volume control with other improvements naim have elaborated on here, again a big improvement on 272.

And the 250NC is rated by dealers at a level approaching or at 300DR.

So you’ve improved your streaming section, pre amp and power amp all at the same time.

I suspect you’d have had much the same reaction if you had moved to say NDX2/282/300DR on old range (this is NOT any comparison before our favourite dealer jumps in….)

We went from 272/XPSDR/250DR to NDX2/555PSDR/252/300DR in stages so know what each change brought to the system. Even NDX2 with no PSU fronting a 272 was a big uplift.

I bet adding your 555 will provide another jump in SQ!

I agree, improved on all fronts. Though, I’ve listened to NDX(2) fronted separates and with a SN2 and didn’t find the difference in SQ as significant as I find with the 222 (over 272) . I think the gen 3 streaming board is a considerable jump over both legacy streaming applications. As for the preamp in the 272, I’ve shared my experience with the 252/250.2 and was not impressed. I agree the DR versions are better but again more in common with the old classic than the new classic. It would be hard to nail down where most of the improvement is coming from exactly but I’m content observing the NC is a big step forward on all fronts.

It’s the same streaming board in NC 222 as is in ND5XS2 and NDX2.

The DAC implementation is slightly different being based on chip in ND5XS2.

The NDX2 used a different DAC chip which naim no longer use.


They’re not the exact same, different, deployment and implementation. And much improved SQ.

Also the NC gear has a much lower noise floor than the Classic Gear ever did which really allows you to hear how good the streaming board is.

I agree, I hear things I’ve never heard before, so much detail and information, and all contributing to the musical experience. I now understand your ( at least I think it was yours) characterization of the 250DR sounding broken in comparison. Voicing, mids, low frequencies, are all distinct and clear, I can hear every instrument, remarkable imagery, inky blacks, and no harshness or brightness. I’m rediscovering my music collection all over again and it’s been years since I got this from an upgrade. And it’s just two boxes doing this. Haven’t even hooked up the 555 yet.

I haven’t heard that there is a gen 3 streaming board. All the Naim promo material says it’s the same board as the gen 2 streamers. I might have missed something, but I’m sure that is what has been explained several times.

I’m under the impression from Steve’s comments in the NC thread they are not exactly the same but I don’t know if that’s a comment on components or deployment of those components.

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The streaming board is the same, the Stream Unlimited NP800 manufactured for Naim

That board does all the network stuff, before sending the resulting digital data to the DAC. It’s the DAC implementation that is different between ND5 XS2, NDX2 and NSC222. By DAC implementation I mean everything from the streaming board IO through the DAC used, to the DIN/RCA plugs in the back of the unit. And even then the context within which the NP800 sits is different, as I think there are “upstream” changes between the above too, relating to streaming board isolation, but I cannot recall well enough what they are to find related posts/threads


Good to know, I missed this comment by Steve but he explained elsewhere the board is deployed quite a bit differently (as you point out as well) so saying they’re the same to imply the resulting SQ is the same is not accurate. As always it’s the sum of the parts that matters not necessarily one individual component.


Well the cable arrived and as you’d expect the 555 brings lots of WOW to the party. Listening to the 222/250 I wonder how much better can it get and then bam! More of everything you want. What a trio. It’s been a long time since I’ve been this happy with my Naim kit.


It’s taken a bit of time to get all the pieces in place but that has probably helped you hear what the 555 brings. I have the mere 300 but the dynamics, resolution and space it brings to the 222/250 make it a deeply satisfying musical experience. Makes me intrigued to hear what the 300 series is capable of……


Yeah, it’s pretty great. I hadn’t planned on getting the 222/250 so early but came across a great deal and I got in under the price increases as well so I was compelled. And I figure I can trade in the 222/555 towards a 333/332 at some point and be in pretty good shape.


@ElMarko just wondering how you are getting on with the 555 on the NSC222? I’ve just ordered 222, and the dealer mentioned that it would need 2 burndys to work….is this what you have? Cheers.

Hi @nitrous. If you’re using the 555 with the 222 you’ll need the legacy to NC XPS burndy to connect it. It’s basically a Frankenstein burndy that has one connection at the 555 side and two connections at the 222 side. The 555 sounds great with the 222 which sounded great on its own. If you already have a 555 you should definitely consider using it with the 222.

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@ElMarko many thanks for reply. Yes I already have the 555 on 272, so will be using this on 222 to begin with. At some point I’ll try the new 300 PS at home against the 555 because I suspect it will be a close run thing and not an automatic certainty the NC PS will be better. This will probably after I upgrade the 250DR to NC250. I was very pleased with the demo yesterday at the dealers so looking forward to getting it in a few weeks.

So it sounds like the same cable I’ve seen on a YouTube clip showing XPS powering 222.

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The 272 pre is pretty good espcially when powered by a 555ps or XPS… I drove a Nap500 with it it sounded great…from what I briefly heard at the dealers the 222 appears better…lots of detail apprant

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Yeah, I think that’s a good path. I’ll be interested in your 555 v 300 tests. But it may be a moot point b/c I’m likely to swap out the 222/555 for the 333/332 at some point. Not in any hurry atm but that’s the likely path I take.

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Yeah, It’s a quite an improvement but I didn’t do any head to head tests. I swapped out the 272/250DR for the 222/250 and it was a significant change all around.

Lots of listening with intent over the last couple weeks. Albums that previously weren’t listenable or overly fatiguing after a short time are now a joy to listen to again.

Bossa Nova on a Sunday morning here in the states. Maria’s voice and Luiz’ guitar notes appear out of this vast blackness in such a musical way. I continue to be impressed with this kit.