282+ 250/300 vs 252+300

Blimey Lindsay, I need to sit down.


Well I thought I was reasonably modest in specifying a NDX2! Interestingly, I was talking to someone quite a while back when we were listening to a ND555/552/500 system at a show which due to poor set up sounded awful, and he told me that in his view a Innuos Xenith with Chord Qutest outperforms a ND555. Test not done myself!

When I had my 552 I used it with a CDS3 and 555PS. I always preferred the 3 to the CD555. Whatever, a 552/300 deserves something pretty good on both ends.

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I’ve found the CD555 with two supplies to be a big improvement on CDS3 with one 555 supply but - to each their own.

Both are great though.

Certainly love my CDS3/555.

I’m not going to buy any CD anymore.
I just bought a CD5Si for my old Naim system to replace a non fixable 3.5.

This new system will have a streamer, I’m not sure which one.
There is a 555+PS ex demo , but won’t afford it if I get the 552.

What is the difference , if any, between 552 green light display and 552 white light display?

One has white illumination, and the other green illumination. They are otherwise alike.


I have ex demo unit green illumination at 98K HK$ which is 9868 pounds.
or a brand new white illumination which I can pre order and get later for 126K= HK$ 12,687 pounds.

Which will you decide to go for?

Given the price difference , what do you personally think?

How old is the ex demo one?

Is everything that cheap in Hong Kong? It’s half the U.K. price.

2020 by serial number, he says unit is always off unless a customer wants to hear it, it did not play much as he put it , like the 200DR for example.

The new I will order and wait for it.

One is ex demo of the old agent.
The 2nd is a pre order unit that the new agent fighting the old agent price, the old agent have real cheap Mu-So etc , the new agent imports the new series only now, it is a big conflict.
The new classic series is not cheap compare to the EU prices , I think once the old agent will finish his demo and some new units it will all go up to where the new models are compare to EU.

Thanks. Whatever you do, it’s really important to get a good source, especially if you go for the 552. It all seems rather confusing. If you can get 555, 552 and 300 then that would be superb. If it was me I’d want all the logos to match in colour.

Am I the only one to be deeply suspicious of the pricing of the pre order unit ?

Less than half UK price… ?

The moment the old agent will not have the prices will go back up to the SRP.
I think the old agent finished all his new stocks now have only ex demo units, besides the Mu So family, I think Naim Audio could have predict this will happen once they replaced sole distributors in so many places, anyway, it’s not my problem.

Any more thoughts on 552 ex demo at 9868 pounds Vs. 552 brand new at 12,687 pounds?

HK has always been one of the cheapest places to buy Naim kit, but that price does seem very low indeed!

It is if there is something wrong with the unit…

I would personally tread carefully.

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