282 & NDX2 better than a 222?


I’ve just ordered an NSC 222 and ATC SCM40A’s. It will replace my current system, including the Atom HE.

7 boxes down to 1.

In my living room, with my cloth ears, the NSC 222 into the ATC actives equals my NDX2 / 282 / SuperCap (non DR).

The new circuit topography and Statement trickle down philosophies that are now incorporated into the 200 and 300 series push the performance of Naim’s separates into the future. In my opinion.

SQ? Better? Worse? Different?

Let’s face it, properly set up, serviced and balanced, Naim kit of whatever age sound blooming marvellous.

I will miss my multi-box setup. Some days my jaw still drops when I get those moments of disbelief that a few magnets pushing and pulling a cone of paper can make my living room sound like a concert hall.

But I know I will continue to have those moments with the one box solution.

@HungryHalibut is so right when he says it’s about the enjoyment and not the critical auditioning.

My honest advice? The NDX2 and 282 with SuperCap sound wonderful. But so does the 222 into actives. I would image it sounds superb with a NPX300 and new 250 too.

But I would go new. 222 and build from there.



And I’ve just remembered Bristol Hifi Show 24!

PMCs Active speakers launched!

They did sound rather good.

NSC 222 and PMC Active twenty5 22i’s. I would think that combo sounds great.



Great system. I did think of actives, but I like my existing Atohm GT1 stand mounts and the ATC actives look really ugly IMHO. So I chose cosmetics as it’s in the living room.

One box is the future.



The ugly ATC argument is one I have not won with my partner. She thinks they’re quite revolting (her words).

But I said to her, don’t worry, it’ll only be for 10 years or so.

I am rather smitten with ATCs Anniversary SCM20ASL’s. They would look nice on top of a good stand.

ATC Anniversary SCM20ASL


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That is the set up I had and I can attest that with the right speakers it’s a great setup. Adding in a HiCap also helps…

If all units are brand new and you already have NDX2 and NAP300DR, then I would follow @nicnaim suggestion and add a recent 252 + SC to get the best from your existing kit. NC does not in any way make the OC kit inferior. VFM its a win win win with OC kit prices at present, which allow a PS, preferably CD555PS for the streamer to be added.
The NC kit is very nice, good and an evolution, but it requires deep pockets against what you may consider is not a giant, note giant leap against OC, ymmv.


It really just depends on the OP’s goal.

I have had the 272,282,252, 332 and now am using the NSC222/300/NC250. It works extremely well together. To my ears it is much more musically engaging than the NDX2/282/252 set-ups I had.

The 332 is obviously better but in my experience has something missing with the NC250. It wasn’t as cohesive (not to be confused with better in a hifi sense) as the 222/300/NC250 is. If that makes sense.

I wouldn’t buy a new 282 and Hicap when used ones are so plentiful and cheap. Given what you have now, I’d suggest s/h 282/NAPSC (probably included) plus 1 Hicap.

For more subtlety and detail, s/h 252/SC should beat 282 options, and will probably also beat a 222 and may well be better VFM.

I have NDX2/XPSDR/52/SC/300DR and adding the PS to the NDX2 was a definite improvement. So apparently is adding a PS to the 222, but that would be another new box and a high cost.

Having said all that, if you will soon be going NC300 series, any OC boxes will just be more boxes to sell. As others have said, thinking more about your end-game and preferred box-count before hitting eBay would be a good next step.

Good luck!

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They’re the only ATCs that would fit in my lounge but that I’d wouldn’t give houseroom to on purely aesthetic grounds … just too much shiny shouty blue for my taste.

I’m sure you’ll enjoy your 222/SCM40A setup, but your ATCs would really thank you for adding an NPX 300. I know that means two boxes, but, but …



I want to replace my 272/xpsdr with a 222 on my 40A ATC, you think 222 without power would be better than 272 with xpsdr?

You’re absolutely right, I’m sure a NPX300 would bring more out of the NSC222.

In one review I’ve read of that combo, the writer spoke of there wasn’t a big difference when the 300 was added. But it remained on review for a while, and then the 300 was removed. That’s when everyone realised what a difference the 300 had made.

But for me, at the time of the demo, I wasn’t convinced that £5700 added enough to be value for money. But in a few years, when the second hand market blossoms, maybe I’ll consider again.



I would go with NAC 282 with the NAPSC and HiCapDR.

I am biased since I run that configuration for a short time with my NDX2 and loved the sound. I did replace the HiCapDR with a SuperCapDR when NAIM were discounting products when the new series were introduced.

I did listen to the NSC 222 at my dealers and was not moved with the sound enough to change systems.

Quite happy with my current configuration: XPS DR > NDX 2 > Hi-Line > SuperCap DR > NAC 282 > NAP 250 DR > NAC A5 > ProAc D30RS

Good luck with your decision.


I don’t know. I’ve never heard the 272/XPS.

Demo demo demo. Depending on where you are, lots of dealers should have a 222 to loan for a day or 2.

I can’t imagine Naim would take a step backwards when releasing new kit.

But as I’ve said earlier, Naim kit when properly setup, serviced and partnered with synergetic components always sounds great (room dependent).



Thank you for your answer but I watch a second-hand, they are rare for the 222! Meanwhile I bought an Ifi zen network player with an Elite power supply that I find better than the streamer 272…


Just got a 6 week old NPX300 and my 222 was ex dem and 250 also lightly used. All about 2/3 of new price.


It was your source that was the problem; not the 250. If you had the 333 with the 332 I’m sure you’d feel differently.

When you had the 332 did it ever cross your mind to go to the 332/333 instead of 222/300?

It was not my source with the 332. I was using a near Klimax LP12 and Rega Aura.

Then how do you blame the 250? Maybe you just don’t like the 332. You’ve now stated your digital is better with the 222 and your vinyl is better with the 222. How do you conclude the 332/250 isn’t a good match? Maybe you don’t like the 332.

I said I liked the 222/300 better than the ndx2/282

I also never said vinyl was better with the 222. The 332 is a much much better preamp than the 222.

The 222/300/NC250 is much more coherent musically than the 332/NC250. Even though the later has more depth, insight, detail etc. The NPX300 helps a lot but it still was missing that little bit that makes the magic happen. Like with a 252DR/300DR.

I didn’t have the room for a pair of 350’s and I needed to move to one stack anyway so I took a flyer on the 222. It’s not better it’s just more enjoyable. Most likely since they were designed to work together.

Hopefully that makes sense.