3 stack Fraim system

If it feels right, it is right. Done well, based on Graeme’s excellent layout, it will look fine, and fit comfortably in the space. Big systems can look ridiculous when squeezed into a space that’s too small, but that doesn’t apply here. You’ve been through hard times, and if this feels the right thing to do then that’s good enough. Nothing is forever and you can rationalise later should you wish.

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Excellent set up, what is the thing on @Richard.Dane NAT03 ? Probably something exotic!

My local Naim dealer has always said that a Naim Fraim stack shouldn’t be more than four levels high, not sure if this is true or if it really makes any difference.

I think the dealer meant a base and four shelves so technically five levels or shelves high.

Dev, it’s a hi-res digital recorder - a Marantz PMD-671.

I think you can go higher and many on here do.

I have my plan and it will work.

Looking forwars to getting the parts and showing you all the results.

It will look better. Exciting times for me!


On the subject of box count, I have gone from thinking of downsizing to actually purchasing an extra box over the last year or so. If my system had been in my living room I think I would have definitely downsized by now. But it isn’t and I ended up with a 2nd system In the living room which is 2 boxes and a TT and works very well both sonically and aesthetically. My main system in the garden cabin has now grown from 6 to 7 boxes on two 4 level stacks. As it’s out of sight from all but me it doesn’t make sense to downsize it so I’m stuck with it for the foreseeable :blush:. I think the only improvement that will happen is upgrading the XPS to a 555PS in a couple of years when I start drawing my next pension pot. Can’t see any other opportunities looking at it now.

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A non DR 555PS went for £2438 yesterday on auction.

I think prices are lowering, and I don’t know what the market is like for dealers selling OC gear, but they might be struggling to offload it. This makes it a buyers market. Maybe it will push all the prices down for anything that isn’t NC.

I am showing interest to dealers for ND5XS2, and Fraim base and an extra Fraim shelf. I have contacted several dealers and am waiting for prices to come back. I am buying used as they cost a fortune new. The dealers are still charging alot for used Fraim.

I am in no rush and think prices may drop more over next few months especially on ND5XS2.

Lets wait and see. Quite keen to get the three racks set up. Hopefully will make a deal in next week.

If I can’t get the ND5XS2 for a while it may be a blessing.

Hapoy to sit and wait and look forwars to NDS to come back.

In meantime CDS2 sounds great with 555PS. Yes, it does sound like it’s on steroids in some ways as the character has changed slightly versus XPS2!


My new stacking system will be as per @Graeme and will be 4, 4 and 5 in terms of boxes.

So close to closing out deals. Personally I love the Fraim and think this new look will look fantastic in my listening room.

I can’t really call it a living room anymore as I only have one sofa. I butchered my other sofa to clear space for new speakers.

It’s all about the music!


Yes I think the new and second hand market is pretty slow atm.

Does anybody know roughly what the mark up is for a new piece of hifi equipment? As in the difference between what a dealer pays and what a dealer sells it on for?

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I believe it’s about 40%. Whether it varies by brand and price level I’ve no idea.

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More on higher price items which are more difficult to sell and require more effort such as home demos to make the deals. In fairness dealers can do home demos and get absolutely nothing in some cases. Some dealers even travel abroad to make sales.

I don’t think it’s an easy market. Dealers I speak to say everything is great. But that’s the fake it to you make it philosophy of making out all is good to make you believe that they won’t offer discounts. Sales techniques. And you can’t blame them as they need to make a living, which will be based largely on commissions and sales.

I just bought two Fraim lite shelves for £280. Free postage. When dealer makes you an offer. Just go quiet and say nothing. See what they say!

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I know most dealers had a massive bonanza during Lockdown and even after Lockdown for a year or two but things have definitely slowed in the last year.

That Lockdown bonanza then filtered through to the secondhand market when people went back to work and sold the equipment they’d bought through Lockdown boredom.

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The dealer did say that Autumn is their main time of sales as people stay in more and then look to buy hifi. So used prices could start going up potentially.

It’s a tricky one to read and the economy isn’t exactly settled which will affect sales.

Some will always buy no matter what. Others will sit on the fence and see what happens.

It’s sods law that you buy something used, think you have a great deal. And then 2 months later you see prices have dropped and you have lost money. All relative and owning hifi as a hobby will not make you money!

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Yes remove the CDS2 there’s no need for it when you have a NDS.
Try some accurately ripped CD´s on a USB stick into the NDS and I think that you like me, never want to have a CD player again.

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Nah. Think you’re missing the point. I love my CDS2 and have bought 4 Naim CD players. Have rebought them for a reason.

I have a NAS drive the Zoneripper. But still like CDs like so many others.


Okay ,just suggest you try a USB stick so you know how it sounds then.I have had about all the different types of Naim CD players over the years up to CD555.

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I think I may just be of a certain age or mindset but whilst I have plenty of digital gear I just don’t engage and I think it’s alot to do with the lack of physical medium provided by vinyl and cd’s.



I prefer vinyl
over any digital format,but that is because it sounds better to me.

That’s you. But don’t tell others what to do. It’s my choices. You seem to be someone who has done everything and try to tell others what to do.

It doesn’t work for me like that! Know that from now on.

I really like my CDS2. Do you get that?

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I guess some of us, including me, just simply prefer good old CD over digital. I know, CD is digital but you know what I mean.