3 stack Fraim system

You know my past with the CDS2 and CDS3 so understand what I am talking about.

I have a fabulous NAS drive, NDS and 555PS but still want or need a CDS2.

Some get that. Others just don’t.


The CDSII does have a certain magic about it @Dan_M. Love mine to bits.


Absolutely no problem,always just suggestions.
Now you have sorted the Fraim placement and stacking much better ,it will be fantastic .


Thanks and no worries @Igel.

I get a bit.sensitive about the CDS2 :smiling_face_with_tear: :joy:


So the ND5XS2 has now been ordered. Trying to close a deal on a Fraim base and one Fraim shelf. Once delivered am ready to set up racks. Will need NDS back and then I can put full plan in place.

Everything has been organised with military precision. These things take time, contacting different dealers to try to get prices on used equipment.

Looks like ND5XS2 is fairly new with full Naim warranty available. Apparently immaculate.

Will be really good to have racks lower down on left side wall so I won’t have them so much in my face when in listening position or watching TV.

Thanks to @Igel’s suggestion. Thanks again and apologies for being grumpy and over sensitive about CDS2. I can be a bit of so and so sometimes!

I am enjoying the CDS2 so much with 555PS still. This is one of the reasons why I have a CD player. When streamer is off for repair or buying and selling something new the CD player becomes the mainstay of the system as it is easier than vinyl.

Vinyl is my favourite, but sometimes it’s easier just to put a CD on.


Hi Dan,
I thought that you reached your goals🤔

Why not try and just enjoy what you have for a while and just buy more music


Hi Mtuttleb,

How is your house coming along?

Yes indeed you’re right I have attained my goals.

The streaming platform on the NDS doesn’t work for me and has limited my playing.

Hence ND5XS2 into NDS as DAC. Racks overstacked so 3 tiers. All in motion :rofl:

And then get a Nova and sell the lot! :thinking: :rofl:


After the long summer break where nothing was really done apart from the electrics, we finally had the company that did the rendering in during the last two days. They did a great job and the walls have a nice scratched finish. Next in will be heating and door/flooring.

I would not sell it all on. Shame the NDS does not do all the things required because it probably sounds good. That’s one of the reasons why I never entertained Naim streamers along with the fact that I was never convinced when they started out on early releases. Time will tell with Auralic but I think they are very good in all respects.


The NDS does sound very good which is why I am keeping it as a DAC and getting screen replaced. One of the reasons why I have the CDS2 is because I have had problems with NDS playing NAS as well and being quite slow to find files. I hope the ND5XS2 solves these issues.

I won’t sell it all on. I was joking around about the number of boxes and saying part of me would prefer something more simple at some point.

I’m glad you got your rendering and electrics done. Once you have hearing doors and flooring it should feel more like a home than a building site. These things take time.

Best wishes.

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The CDS2 is a lovely player, I bought one of the very first that Naim built. In fact, I ordered a Naim CD player from Grahams HiFi, expecting to get the original CDS, but it was a CDS2 that turned up - a bit confusing, because the label on the back of the player bears just a ‘CDS’ tag.

It was collected by Audio T yesterday, to be sent back to Salisbury for repairing/replacing the transport mechanism, which I so want to happen. I will be rather lost without it, as I have hundreds of CDs, which I can’t play otherwise.

I do have an LP12/ARO, but I some of my CDs are irreplaceable on vinyl.


I have had 2 and currently have one CDS2 with serviced XPS2 recently done by Darran at Class A. I’ve had a CDS3 and CD5Si.

My favourite is the CDS2 which I must admit sounds better with the 555PS on the end of it. Using the 555PS while NDS is away at Naim for.screen replacement.

Looking forward to getting the NDS back and using it as a DAC and ND5XS2 as a transport for a 3 box streamer.

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I think you’ll enjoy your 3 box source. Biased opinion of course :wink:


Will you need a working screen if using ND5XS2 as transport?

Possibly to access settings on NDS. It’s good to get it working properly for potential resale also. Selling with failed screen won’t do.


Sales aspect for sure if that’s the plan. Just wondered in a technical sense as mine has just gone blank.

No need to if you use the app. You just activate the input for BNC used and off goes.


All I need is a new streamer to front it! :slight_smile:

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Yeah, just got ND5XS2 playing at home now. Can’t wait to get NDS. Just downloaded Qobus.

Great connectivity!


My NDS is over 10 years old so a little TLC will be good!


Picking up Fraim base tomorrow. Then can start setting up racks!

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