300 series now out with dealers

Test for me is 222/300 vs 333/332 into 250 should be interesting.
My dealer does stock Phoenix Net so maybe one to demo.
Think this is a step you have taken recently so assume you think it delivers.


I hope this is a positive for a mere mortal like me.

The only problem with the New Classic is you cannot swap boxes unnoticed.


Yeah, there’s some real enthusiasm about Naim again it seems. I had no intention of buying my NC kit this early and was content to wait a year or so until the s/h market had some deals. I don’t have a Naim dealer local to me and stumbled across a web deal I couldn’t pass up and ended up buying new. So glad I did as I wasn’t expecting it to be so good. The 222 is so good I can see why a 222 owner could be curious about the 300 series and it’s not a big jump up in $$ net and you can upgrade without increasing box count. That’s a new thing and very attractive. And I’ve only seen one s/h deal in the US since the launch so not really any statement on the quality of the kit and no more representative than the s/h kit of previous newly launched series.

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I always think that whenever I see brand new models available pre-owned and it always seems to happen. I think they must be the folks who like to try out new equipment and then sell it on - I always imagine they’re the ones who listen to the HiFi not the music. Then there are the people who’ve suffered a change of circumstances - seeing medical expenses cited as a reason for sale is not that unusual in the US.

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If Naim really have trumped the 500DR with the 350 then my hard earned is ready and waiting…


Perhaps not so odd if there’s a waiting time now for new kit (esp 200 series), such that the trade-in values work for the dealers. Many, many moons back, one well-known dealership (in UK) would offer anything up to 80% of what you paid as a trade-in for net kit on the basis you bought it from them, it was under 12m’s old and you were paying ‘list’ for the new kit, this back in the days when delivery timelines were anything up to 2m’s.

Of course, some of these trade-ins could be from parties who have just discovered Naim and really like the way things sound? We all know the upgradeitus bug can bite hard :grin:

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I think that people trading in their 222 for the new 300 gear is an excellent idea*. Makes a great deal of sense, really strongly encouraged. I mean, it’s 6 months old now, old tech, past its best etc.

*Especially if they use the same dealer as me, no reason ; )


I’d wait for ‘da NC500 Series - slum it with the NC300 gear for now. :rofl:

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I was just wondering whether anyone was taking the opportunity to compare the New Classics to similar priced components from other brands (Vitus, Burmeister, Chord, Linn etc) when they audition them at their dealers just to see what else was available?

I personally will not compare with other brands - I like to keep it simple and enjoy the sound that Naim achieves. Same as my car - I have stuck with the same manufacturer for over 20 years and don’t care if other makes are similar or better.


Personally I am looking forward to listen to the new SoulNote S-3 reference integrated at approx. 21K EUR. “Japanese Naim”.

Interesting, I haven’t heard of this brand before.

Twice today I was holding my phone ready to dial up my local dealer to see if he had some 350’s I could demo :sweat_smile:


They don’t call them dealers for nothing!


Book up a demo. Be interesting to hear how they sounded once burned in. :fire:


Can I use the new NSS300 streamer with a 555PSDR? Will the bespoke burndy cables that NAIM sells to bridge the old classic and new classic allow all of the 555PSDR to be used by the NSS300 ? My understanding with a 555PSDR and an NDX2 for example was that I was not using all of the capability of the 555PSDR.

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Hi @lsulliva , i can confirm that is possible and i have done that.
I have an NSS333 powered by 555PSDR, using the new burndy cables that connect new classic to old classic and it works absolutely fine :+1:
Just check with your dealer to make sure you get the right burndies for the job.

I do not know the answer to your question though whether all of the 555PSDR is used…but to my ears it sounds pretty good!


That’s correct but 75% of a 555P/S is still going to be a significant upgrade.

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@lsulliva @Cohen1263, I know I’m using a 222, not NSS 333 but I am using a 555DR with both the burndies Naim supply for this set up. I’m not technical enough to know if every power rail in the 555 is being utilised, but it does appear to have separated the analogue and digital supplies and be using more of the 555 than when it was connected to the 272. I’ve just looked at the 333 manual and it looks the same idea as the 222.
My dealer recons 555 on the new kit will be better SQ than NPX, you just don’t have all the functionality like standby etc.
Hope this helps.