300 series now out with dealers

How it all sounding with the SN2? Do you plan on upgrading it later?

A week in and it has been a bit up and down as its settling down @marcusman , though it is sounding pretty fine tonight.
As i said in the other thread, my amplification has always been my weak point, but my limit is 4 boxes and ive prioritised source.
It is my intention though to change up the SN2 as and when / if a new Naim integrated (hopefully a super integrated :thinking:) is released, or maybe a.n.other brand if not.
These changes are for the long term so am taking my time but am fully aware of the limitations of my system until then.
When i first started out with a Naim Uniti i didnt ever think i would be able to attain this level, so overall im very satisfied and am no longer hankering after a system that is ‘unobtainium’ :slightly_smiling_face:


Love this word! Thanks for sharing your experience. I’m in the same boat and I’m just dreaming about what I could do in the future. 100% agree with you, a NC SuperNait would be nice for us SN users. I won’t hold my breath however.

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Be careful @ChrisH ! I had a similar 4 box limit and an ND555 with a SN3 and HiCap. Loved it. My dealer was smart though. He said swap the SN and HiCap for a NAC552 and PS and then add these here ATC active speakers. ‘There, doesn’t that sound much better?’ It did at a price of course. Enjoy what you have! Great source first system.


Ha ha, like it @Monkey_Jim, thats how these things can happen!


332 and active ATC’s keeps you at 4 boxes.


I do have an Innuos Zenith too though @nicnaim :wink:
That keeps me honest with box count.
Nice try though!

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The 332 is just one box so it’s 4 with the Innuos :sunglasses:


But ideally need a PS for 332 as well :grin:

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Thanks for the responses. It will be unfortunate if the new statement level streamer does not work with the 555PS in its entirety. The old classic system does not become redundant but simply older, but if the new source requires a new PS then it’s a two box upgrade.

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Actually Isulliva I’m reliably informed that the Statement Streamer will be in an all in one S1 type case. How the ND555 replacement will be configured when it eventually comes out is anyone’s guess!


True, but sounding rather excellent here using the new internal power supply, in my 4 box system.


Is the NS333 combined with the new NPX300 power supply going to perform “above” the NS333 combined with a 555PSDR ( because we are only using 75% of it ? ).

The added power of the 555PS is effective ticket unused because it is not perfectly matched ?

The new NPX300 PS has two burndys and therefore isolates two separate needs within the updated NS333 streamer in the same way that the ND555 or the NDS used the two burndys from the 555PSDR.

These are questions that I am asking? Why is NAIM not providing clarity on these questions. Their “extensive testing” must have revealed a hierarchy ?

Where does it fall ?

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Good questions. In my experience dealers usually push the “latest” products with some exaggeration. It’s just business. Am I from the info that I’ve accrued from people that I respect going to swap my ND555 for a 333 or my NAP500 for a pair of 350’s. No way. However when I asked my dealer a similar question to what you are asking I was told that the 555 powers the 333 better than the 300 even without all rails utilised. Maybe go have a listen Isulliva.


Highlights so far -

Audio from monaural NAP 350’s appears from near silence.

NAP 350’s have the ability to convey enormous dynamics swings and best of all its all done at blistering speed. Audio starts and stops and back to near silence in an instant with no bloat or overhang. To experience this is uncanny and awesome because you’re consistently left thinking did this just happen?

Truly remarkable :slightly_smiling_face:


Blimey, I can’t wait to hear the 350!

Although your description of its characteristics could equally be applied to my partner!



Sounds like the old days!:grin::+1:

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Once optimised the performance of monaural NAP 350’s is awesome. Btw, my comments above on the monaural NAP 350’s are with NSC 222/NPX 300 :slightly_smiling_face: I’ll share my thoughts with NSS 333, NAC 332 and NPX 300’s in due course.


Sounds wonderful. Most of us will be able to audition them but for those who can’t your descriptions I am sure will be very insightful.

Out of interest what do you have to do to the 350s to optimise them? Do you mean just leave them turned on and put on a decent rack or is there more to it than that?