300 series now out with dealers

You are going to need both I’m afraid! Naim did run a deal in the uk and provide the cables as part of the deal when buying the NC kit to link with the OC boxes. Unfortunately this has ended. I think they are in the region of £500 each, but you need to check with your dealer.
Hope this helps :+1:

Thank you. Yes that’s a dreadful price for connecting cables from a reference PS to NC equipment. Thanks for the help once again.

Do dealers actually have NC 300 equipment to supply today or are there big delays ?

At the recent NAIM event at the SORG the Naim representative present - Chris Keeling? - said that the cable offer was still valid. Not sure whether his info is out of date…

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i’ve just ordered 222 +350 - dealer says should be in by end of the week


Apparently they’ve arrived in Australia. :scream:


Shouldn’t you start with the 333/332 before adding a set of 350’s?

The 222 was VFM and good on a budget but is it up to acting as a source for the 350’s?

@AJK according to my dealer the 222 with PS is more than up to it. I hope to have a listen to 250 and 350’s before I make my final decision.


Having started with 222/300/250 and now moved onto 222/300/350 I can say from my perspective the 222/300 is more than up to it with 350’s.


I have the same experience. The 222/300/250 was good, but the 222/300/350 combination is excellent!

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" Hi-Fi News Verdict
The 300 series from Naim’s New Classics range fully lives up to its promise – its presentation combining a shade more warmth and culture when required with the ability to let go and power out the music when let off the leash. From the closely-detailed NSS 333 streamer/DAC to the effortlessly punchy NAC 332/NAP 350 amplification, this is the ‘Naim sound’ with broadened appeal, albeit never quite tamed!"

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The 222/555 is so good I may ending up going 350s instead of 333/332. Hopefully I don’t stumble across any deals on 350s in the near future.


Yes, it is :+1:


Another question: I own super-lumina interconnects using the Din input and output. If I want to place some NC kit in with the OC kit, can I get the SL connections reliably changed over at the same quality anywhere ?

App volume settings control on New Classic Series has a sliding bar to control volume. This is compared to the + or - it tons that I have for my NDX2. The slide bar is much easier to control.

Does anyone know if there are there plans to update the existing classic apps to this new and better volume control within the app ? I really hope so. It would be unfortunate if available function improvements are withheld.

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You can’t have a slider volume control on the Classic preamps. The volume pot is analogue, and is remotely controlled by a simple servo motor which can be told to rotate the pot in one direction or the other. It doesn’t know what the volume level is, so cannot feed that information back to the app.


A couple of weeks late but in the end the new system arrived.


What is smaller box on top?

It’s a NVC TT


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