300 series now out with dealers

Nope :slight_smile:

As I’m sure is the case for many. I’ve owned 2 Naim amps across just over 30 years. A second hand NAIT3 for the majority of the time, a XS3 for the last 2 years.

I am however very interested in the NC series. I always always really wanted a SUPERNAIT, I suspect if/as/when a NC SN is released I will be very tempted, succumb to temptation, call it quits and promptly resign from the forum :wink:

I find that most threads on this site stray quite a bit from the original topic - or what the OP thought that the topic was!


Were you not tempted by the Nait 50? (A lovely thing!)

Yes. And no. I run a streamer, CD5, and turntable/external MM phono stage. It doesn’t have sufficient I/O flexibility for me. I also anticipate the NC SN is going to be a blinder, if it uses the ladder volume control of the 200/300 series and headphone improvements then I’m sure it’ll be exceptional, and a budget appropriate match for my TT.

I’m not down on the NAIT 50, at all, but I think the SN is likely to suit me better. Plus, I’m not ready to swap my XS3 just yet, I bought it new, I don’t constantly buy new equipment as it is released, and it’s only just run in :wink:

Naim doesn’t have stocks of products in general. Obviously it’s different with the NC because they needed to build enough to get demo units out to dealers and to be able to service sales quickly.

But ND555 etc will be being made to order and any older ones being sold as new will have been in the distribution/retail chain, not sitting in a Naim warehouse.


They certainly do as your post 100% illustrated just that point.

Back on topic now.

I am going to go listen to the new 300 kit in 2 weeks time, this should give it time to burn in.


Nope, but everyone has an opinion on any new kit as soon as it is released and of course, opinions differ.

If you’re happy with your Olive series Graham, that’s all that matters. Carry on enjoying :slight_smile:

As for Peters opinion, of course that helps, he may notice something you haven’t. The problem is that we hear our own systems every day and nine times out of ten, we don’t notice if something slowly happens. A second opinion every now and then is really helpful.


Thanks, PB.

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The I/O flexibility of the NC series has me slightly uneasy? Not sure that’s the right word but anyway.

I run a TT and external phono stage and “invested” (from eBay) in a RCA>DIN hiline to connect it to my XS3.

My CD5 uses a lavender DIN>DIN

My streamer uses a lavender RCA>DIN

The only NC separates system that supports that configuration is the NAC332. With no DINs to spare. I’m sure there are potential NAC332 owners out there with greater DIN needs than I, and for whom a DIN>XLR lead might not be optimal. Be interesting (maybe just to me X) ) if the I/O side factors into many people’s decision making process.

I’d certainly think about it, Mike…if they took magic beans in payment!

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Like the Nait50? :thinking: :wink:


I bought one of those - not to replace anything, but to be a part of an alternative system, in another part of my home.

The ‘main’ system is unaltered.

Let’s keep to forum rules please… thanks.

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Nope! Although funnily enough = I don’t buy the retro amp either.

As with every launch of new kit you have folks who just don’t want to move on and admit their once latest greatest kit is no longer that. Which is just perception, their kit still sounds the same as it did before the NC was launched. I’ve owned plenty of old classic integrated, separates, and all in ones, and demoed even more. The NC is both different and better in my view. The 222/250 on their own are remarkable and with a PS sound better than most 2XX classic/DR separates afaic. Where are the SQ improvements coming from I wonder. Is it the improved streaming platform? Preamp? Is it the 250? The lower noise floor certainly makes a difference. I hear so much more now, well defined instruments surrounded by black space, and so musical. And lots of slam with no brightness or harshness. I’m rediscovering my music collection again. It’s been a while. The NC kit is pretty special and I expect the 300 series to be closer the 500 series in SQ than the DR 200 series.


As am I but with a 252/300, as said so often it’s all good!


So you bought it Lindsay👍


Will be arranging my demo for two week’s time also.

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It’s a great post. I LOVE my system. Period. It’s never going to be the latest or the best at these prices. But this time I’ve pulled the trigger, the 300 and 145 are out (non DR). The designs are 20+ years old. There is no way that the 3x350 I have coming as replacement, after a bit of run in time are not going to offer improvement.

In any case, when I first started my Naim adventures in 1994, it was always the 135s I wanted but couldn’t possibly afford.


Is that 6 x 350 Nick? As in three pairs? As you know the 350’s are mono like the 135’s.