300 series now out with dealers

Naim might be happy to have the 300 series performance approach that of the 500 series if the profit margins are higher on the newer kit. They could then gently retire the 500 stuff, or at least the manufacturing capacity for those items.


With the new technology that’s been used in the 200 series, and now the same technology being used in the 300 series but with more sparkle added, i would be a bit disappointed if it didn’t atleast perform at the sane level as the 500 gear.
Obviously it going to sound different as the new gear is moving on with things as it needs to do. But as far as details, separation, sound staging, and dynamics, i would hope it can match the 500 or as said even better it in places.
If so this boads well for the next 500 series when it shows up, as that really needs to catch up in places as it’s very old designed kit these days.
The new relay volume control is miles better than what’s in the classic kit, and the Amp’s have also taken a big step forward, and that’s just what’s been shown in the 200 series, so i guess the 300 series will just build on that but leave some room left for the 500.
But come on guy’s you must want to see big inpovements over the range? As like i said i for one feel it really needs it, as it is a bit late to the party already but at least it now looks like it’s all on it’s way.

Cheers dunc


With the NAP500, it was said this was the most powerful amp Naim could make using its design philosophy at the time (back in the late 1990s of course IIRC) – and one of a NAP500s weaknesses has been the inability to drive more current-demanding speakers (even post DR – although much improved).

It’ll be interesting (at least to me) to understand what has changed in the approach as regards the NAP350 – perhaps just not in transistor advances?

Through another lens, I wonder if Statement was also a massive R&D project for Naim as regards learnings which are being deployed in to other kit? Perhaps the same can be said of the ND555 and the module-like nature which appears to form the foundations of the streaming capabilities in some of the kit now?

It sure makes sense the streamline their business model and operations in this way.

You have to remember that the 500 series is close to 20 years old now and things have moved on. I managed a brief listen yesterday, and yes they are different as you would expect. I am hoping to get a longer listen soon when the kit has settled down a little and I should be able to grasp whats going on.

After that I had a long listen to my 500 series at home and nothing had changed, it was just as good as it was the day before :slight_smile:


Obviously as said the new kit isn’t going to suddenly make your kit sound any different to what it did yesterday.
But you would hope for some big strides forward after all this time.
Just in making the product a lot less noisy will bring it on loads and let you hear more off what’s going on, and the new amp design, and volume should really be helping with that.
I am also looking forward to what new dac’s they bring out, and what way they go, as we all know the burr browns are long gone now and so will interesting to see what direction they go.

Naim’s philosophy was to only use single devices in the output stage, no paralleling as the lack of matching in ordinary devices was said to give worse sound. Other manufacturers have always been quite happy to use multiple devices.

This philosophy limited the output power Naim could achieve to around 70W into 8R. To get more power for the 500 they bridged two amplifiers together. This doubles the voltage swing available, but does nothing for current. It also removes speaker current return from the amp’s ground line which I suspect will also help sound quality.

For the statement they had to parallel transistors to get the power required so they were specially made from the same silicon die. This technology has now tricked down into the 350.


Indeed the new kit is certainly quieter, there is considerably less noise. I found the 200 very dark in presentation and quite different, not sure I liked it to be honest.


Thats where i came out on it…….could i listen to it all night long……probably not, and no desire to find out. Hope the 300 series has that something extra that draws me in.

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I can’t imagine that the 300 would match the 500 series. The NSS333 is hopefully a step up from the NDX2 but nowhere near the 500 series streamer with separate power supply.

The NAC332 could possibly get close to a 252 especially with the NPX300 added.

The advantage of the 300 series would obviously be compliance with the latest energy saving laws which the older gear cannot meet (I base this on YouTube videos of Jason Gould of Naim), and of course the different sound signature. This may or may not be an ‘improvement’ and will surely divide opinion but surely the ‘Naim sound’ has evolved from the early days to what people are enjoying today with the current classic series.

All speculation on my behalf of course, and all based on my relatively short period of time with Naim gear (last 7 years but will stick with Naim from here in).

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Must have been straight out the box?

@Gazza and @Polarbear , very interesting initial feedback. Obviously we all want to be able to listen to our music and enjoy it for extended periods. As you say, let’s hope the new series (300) is better.

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Thing is this, really as you go up the range in naim, really what you are buying is better noise control.
Separate power supplies etc, etc, its all to give better noise control really at its heart. This in turn let’s you hear more off what is actually there to hear.
It helps everything work better, better placement off instruments, vocals, etc, etc.
The problem is it can take time for your brain to come around to all this new information that it suddenly gets, but for most people once they listen for a while it’s hard to then go back, as suddenly your old system sounds like a blanket has been placed over your speaker’s or something has broken.
It’s a strange one really but i have found i love all the extra stuff i get these day’s, and for me atleast i am pleased naim is finally trying to catch up.

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Now that you mention it, I think you’re right. I remember I had to wait for almost a year for my NAP500 and NAC552 and vaguely I remember my dealer said it’s being made to my order.
Well in that case, I hope that despite being outperformed by the new (or future new) products, the 500s may become a special things because of its limited numbers in circulation, and may hold its value well for being some sort of collector’s/ afficionado’s item😁.

Btw my dealer has set up the NC300s and I’m supposed to be there for listening, but their location is right smack bang on CBD area and there’re some road closures today because of this summit conference, some dozens of foreign head of states are here and the security is really irritating. Guess I just have to wait for tomorrow or next week :man_facepalming:t2:

Thanks – I was aware of much of this. I haven’t seen a full write-up on the 350 yet and will be interested on what’s changed and why e.g. how the usual trade-offs have been addressed/accommodated.

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Okay, inevitably new technologies, new design it’s still Naim but will be different. I’ve now heard conflicting reports on the 222/300/250 one said that from a dealer dem it was ahead of a NDX/555/282/HC/250 another opinion, who I always find myself in agreement with, said it doesn’t get near the NDX/282. Take your pick.

So as ever the beauty will be in the ear of the beholder. But if it’s going to surpass the 500 series with say Titan 808s or Neat Ultimatum 10s, and speaker choice will always be the key influencer, well that’s a very tough call. I’m minded of an event a few years back when @Polarbear, I’m sure he won’t mind me referencing this, had a visitor with his wife from another forum, where there was massive anti Naim sentiment, and the next day said visitor having heard PB’s system wrote “f———- hell (he was and still is a plain speaker!) that’s off the planet, and anyone who doesn’t believe me should shift their fat arse and go and listen!” I too have heard PB’s system and it is arguably the best I’ve ever listened to but caveated that I haven’t heard Statement with a high end TT nor in a domestic environment with non Focal speakers.

Whatever the opinions, and inevitably they will vary, remember chrome bumper, olive, old classic, new classic it all sounds good.

12 bar blues riff A Asus4 etc “I woke up this morning, got me some caffeine because I’m still an Old Classic Man”


I would hope so. 332 plus PS is more than 252 with SC. If it does not better an essentially 20 year old design that costs less Naim are in big trouble!


Are Members here constantly buying new Naim equipment as it is released?

I am very happy with my 30 year old Olive stuff, although it is long overdue a return to Salisbury for service, recap or whatever. (I have Peter Swain of Cymbiosis coming soon, so I shall seek his opinion.)

I feel no need to change - even if some here assure me that to do so would be an ‘upgrade’.


Seek Peters opinion why? As it’s your own opinion on something that only matters, not what someone else wants.
It’s all only advice and to gather some information on whether it’s something you might like in your life that’s all.

It’s up to said person to then put the leg work in, demo it, then home demo it, and see if it’s worth the outlay. Then for me, if i can afford to but it out right, and it doesn’t put my finances into trouble great.


Because I have been listening to the equipment for over 30 years.

Peter has never heard it. He is coming to visit me soon to install a second LP12/ARO in a different part of my house.

I would value his expert opinion.

Not strange, in my view…


That’s not strange but with the topic off this thread it sounded to me like you was going to ask him about the new range from naim, and if you should buy it or not, and nothing to do with an linn lp12