300 series now out with dealers

With all the current raving feedback on the 200 series and if the 300 series delivers what it potentially promises then I would imagine that when the 500 series is replaced it will give the Statement a run for its money.

The hierarchy has shifted with the NC gear. The 222 and 250 are considerably better than their predecessors and hitting above components higher in the range now. Which makes sense considering the higher price points of the NC kit.

As understand it, we now have 200,300 and 500 in separates from new to choose from.

Roy officially handed the golden ears baton over to Gary Crocker. Gary has been tuning and on the sign-off panel for around 30 years. Working with Julian, Roy and Paul Stephenson. Gary can naim that tune in one note.

As you’ll imagine the final sign-off sessions are great fun and everyone leaves with smiles. The very first listening tests are also special. Following the progression of the tuning over months. Meticulously searching for the magic balanced of naim sound.

I’m looking forward to hearing about everyones first 300 series listening sessions. Not long now!



Thanks for the update.

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While i appear to have your attention Steve. We are now starting to see servers with SFP connection as well as ethernet. Was there any reason why you decided the latest streamers did not have this fibre connection?

If the NAIT 50 is anything to go by, the NAP 350s should be rather good…

Looking forward to hearing them.

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You’ll be asking if there was a consesnus (sic) on what Ethernet cable sounded best next :roll_eyes::wink:

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Thats a good idea😉


Hi @Gazza , it’s a technology we’re exploring and not ruled out for the future.


The 350’s have a new output stage. I modelled 10 versions and we tried the best and were very happy. The high output current from the matched pairs of NA009 power transistors is going to find a lot fans.


Is that cooling fans? :grinning:


I always wondered how the dev process looks like when targeting a specific price range of such a time consuming complex product. A lot of work goes into say a 332. Lots of prototyping I guess with different miniature sections of the full product? :blush:

Or are you working with mathlab modelling and such?

It must be super trivial understanding if a 300 product really is a 300 product and how it fits with all other boxes and combinations.

Any white smoke from Suffolk or Essex😁


NAC 332 / CDX2.2 / 250DR / XPSDR

Here at home, on loan for a few days from the good guys at Audio T, Bristol.

Using a legacy cable, 332 replacing my SN2 / HiCapDR.


And why not. New technology is always expensive and then the trickle down effect makes the same performance available for less. I am confident the ‘new’ 500 will match the Statement. sadly I will probably never listen to either as selling my house would leave nowhere to listen to it!

£24k though - ouch!

Very interested in your findings @GeoffC

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It looks much better in your photo. Mine should hopefully arrive in the next couple weeks.

Just a quick mobile photo - real world use. Build quality is first class as expected.

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