300 series now out with dealers

Anyone went to the demos today want to share any thoughts? I was really expecting someone to pipe up


I thought 2 x 350 monoblocs were £12k? (not that £12k isn’t a lot of money).

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The prices listed are for the pair. So cut that in half.

Must be so good, that they’re still there!


Thank you @Blackbird and @bitsrbits , that is now scary. I wanted to change my NDX2 and SN3 to 333/332and Nap 250 - should I increase my spend by £6k+ and get 2 x 350s? Worrying times - I assumed the 350s were way beyond my reach.

How important is the second kidney?


Source first - put an NC300 power supply on the 333 before you buy 350s.

All very quiet isn’t it. There’s a post on FB from audiobarn where they suggest, just perhaps, that the 350s are the star of the show. Early days, I know.


Same as 200 series where 250NC is rated by dealers as the best of the bunch.

naim do seem to have knocked it out of the park with the 350s.

But then the system will cost almost £30k after trade in and I can accommodate 4 boxes on my rack not 5.
I no longer work so it is not a question of ‘do some now, save up and complete later’ - it all has to come out of our hard come by savings. My better half (by far) is tolerant (at a push) of me laying out £15k which will get me the 333/332/250 but expecting much more would be quite rude of me.

If increasing, I suppose it is 333/300/332/250 for £20,700 or 333/332/350*2 for £21,300. Keeping the NDX2 plus 332/350 * 2 = £17,700. All prices are after trading in NDX2 and/or SN3 as appropriate.

Apologies but I realise I am saying all this out loud.


@Marq and @IainO , the blood is draining from my head as it points towards me needing 2 * 350 rather than 1 * 250!

Heard first listening impressions a couple of weeks back. I posted on forum about it.

Only thing stopping us getting 350s is we require a speaker upgrade too :sob:

You’re in a slightly different position as you’re looking to replace an integrated. NDX2 is still a fine source, especially with a PSU.

Not spoken to dealers about 333 impressions yet, kinda irrelevant as we have no desire to replace NDX2/nDAC.

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Hiss level should be unchanged as volume
is changed on Nac 552 and other older Naim preamps.

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No hiss on the NC, nothing but emptiness b/w those notes.


Difficult decisions eh, but you don’t want to be the guy who has already traded his 222/300/250 into Musicraft for the 300 series :rofl:

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How much would adding a PS to the NDX2 and getting a discounted 252/300 cost by comparison?

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Ha ha, a commitment for sure! What will your 300 purchase consist of?

Now there’s a question - I honestly don’t know. Anyone?

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The mono 350 amps look great! For me they are just too much power for the Quad 2805s that i use. The Olive 250 at 70w/ch is just perfect. But if i used different speakers that can take more power and they sound as good as they look i would do it.

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How much are the 300 components? There’s no pricing here in NZ (except for the NPX300) until a new distributor is appointed.

Hi @Mike_S , I only know the UK prices - not sure if that helps at all but they are:-
NSS333 - £7,900
NAC332 - £7,900
NPX300 - £5,700
NAP350 * 2 - £12,000 (many thanks for those that pointed out £12k is for 2 monoblocs not 1).