300 series now out with dealers

Hoping you’ll find time to do a 552DR+500DR versus 552DR+350 shoot out… :pray:


Yes I did watch all of his 200 and 300 videos. Interesting but obviously they are promotional videos and we only have his word for it at the moment. No disrespect intended towards Jason.

Sadly I am also thinking that I need to consider the 2 x 350 - originally it was just the 250.


Surely Naim would shoot themselves in the foot if the 350 monoblocks were better than a 500DR? The monoblocks come in at £12000 for 2. The 500DR is £26000. A used 500DR still costs more than the monoblocks.

However, new technology and the 175 watts per channel with the 350 interests me.

I am not in the market for paying this sort of money on power amps at the moment. But very interesting times.


Saw someone posting that sound quality wise the new 350NC is somewhere between 500DR and Statement…

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Crikey :grimacing:

Probably in the Best Jokes thread :wink:


Looking at the prices this is also how it should be, unless the new gear ends up just being more expensive than the current one. 332 is diffrent from 222 since this is a classic preamp not a streaming preamp so easy to compare to the old classic 282 252. But we are still waiting for even first impressions.

Well some must have heard the new stuff this weekend but it’s awfully quiet on this forum. Maybe the 500 series was blown away and they’ve all been locked up so nobody finds out.

Blimey or crikey ? Are there differences ?

My dealer story after this week’s visit to the Swedish distributor for Naim, Instereo :innocent:

"Last Wednesday me (Stefan) and Jonas were at the distributor Instereo to see and hear Naim’s new 300 series and what we felt when we left was that “why should we have anything other than Naim in the store?”

When Naim developed its Statement series, there was no limit to what solutions were invented to maximize performance. In the past, DR technology has also been used in Naim’s now discontinued Classic series and separate power supplies, but with The New Classic, both the 200 and 300 series, even more of the Statement solutions have come to be used. Circuit solutions, volume control, soft start, transistors, the list can be made long.

We did a trip with the NSC222 and NAP 250, hung on the new NSS300 streamer, Changed the NSC222 to the NAC 332 pre-stage, changed the NAP 250 to the monoblock NAP 350 and finally the power supply we upgraded first the streamer and then the pre-stage. As always, “regular” music is played, everything from Rainbow, via Boney M to more modern ones, and we experience the recordings in a completely new way. Details you never expected, nuances in drumming and constant musical commitment. It’s also fascinating that something that is so good already with the NSC222 & NAP250 has the potential to be so much better as you go all the way to the 300 series. Absolutely fantastic, incomparable, stunning.

Why should we have anything other than Naim in the store…


Why do you think that? I think it’s the opposite actually. Which would dictate the 500 update is going to be pretty stellar.


Because customers who have just purchased a 500 series from new would be disappointed if the 300 series sounded better.

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It’s progress guy’s the old classic range is so old tec.
I would be very disappointed if the new 300 gear didn’t see off the 500 kit.


This is the case every time Naim or any other company launches a new line. If you bought a 500 recently knowing that new kit were getting launched you took your chances it seems. And many got a hefty discount so I doubt they’re too bothered by it all.


Which store was it Mr Bear? Akkelis?

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Exactly and if not then only really yourselve to blame


I get the feel on this forum that when someone says the new 200 series is better than the 252 or 282 300DR it winds people up who have invested alot of money on that system. For someone to come in and say yeah new 200 series is miles better it gets peoples backs up. Why? Because they feel duped potentially, depending on how much they spent on it. People are very sensitive about their systems because in my case it is part of me. My decisions, my choices and my passion. So people will get very excited and potentially upset.

But is 200 series better than 252 Supercap DR 300DR?

Maybe different. Time will tell.

Is new 300 series better than current 500 series. No feedback here so far. I am sure someone will say yes its loads better. But will it be?

Unlikely at price point. Naim will not make something loads better at something that is double price point still in their range. The new 500 series is yet to come. And it will do.


That’s right, Mr. Blackbird :smile:

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Why? Because it isn’t perhaps. I have no bias on this, I listened to the 222/300 and the 252 SC and made my choice but they were not even close. I will listen to the 300 series and, if as I suspect, the new stuff betters my 252 by a good margin I will probably upgrade.

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