300DR+282/HicapDR+NDX connection advice

I have finally managed to get a diagram of how to connect these boxes together and have attached it here for anybody else’s benefit that might be in the same position.

I have a few more questions please. What about the NAPSC? Do i still conect that to the 282?

Also is there a way of placing the boxes (brawns and brains). The system will sit in the top shelves of my unit which has 5 compartments horizontally at 520mm x 180mm each.

In terms of the cables, are they directional? For example, I have noticed that the Burndys have a yellow band underneath the mesh on one side (as in the picture). Does that mean that that side goes somewhere specifically?

Sorry for all the questions but trying to make sense of it all.

Thank you🙂
This could be very useful in the future, as this is currently the front runner in my upgrade path. Although a second HiCap DR is probably going to be part of the solution, so connecting that will need to be worked out too… :thinking:
How does it all sound by the way?
Is the NDX your only source?

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Yes. Definitely. The 282 will not work without it. Even with a Supercap, a 282 or 82 still needs a NAPSC.


Yes. Usually the band goes to the source - but I am not sure with the NAP300. Need a 300 owner…!!!

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The answer is actually in the picture that the OP posted!! Bands always go at the source of the music, so the 300 head in this case.


Originally I had a Nova connected to the 300DR however since Nova is digital I moved to 282/HicapDR so that I could connect my turntable and enjoy the analogue sound. So added an NDX as well to get the streaming side of it. The Nova is currently redundant unfortunately so it will probably end up being sold. Whilst I am at it I might get rid of the NDX too and just get a cheap streamer (heard good things about the WiiM pro streamer).

I have had an extension built so have not been able to connect the set up yet so no idea how it sounds so far.

You are right. I just noticed that in the pic. What about the brains and brawn placement? Any advice please?

I’ve gone for brains on the left and brawns on the right (very basic drawing below).

Now, this might sound stupid but how do i connect the turntable’s phono to the 282 with an analogue cable? Does the white go on ch1 and the red on ch2?

Correct, think ‘red for right’.


As far as TT is concerned should it go above to the left or right?

And should I use Naim Powerline Lite on all components?

I have also discovered that somehow i have two aerials (like those of the 272). One is Wifi and the other is bluetooth. Are the interchangeable or is the Bluetooth aerial surplus to requirements?

I wouldn’t bother with Bluetooth. If you’re not going to use it just leave the antenna in the box.
WiFi is not the NDX’s strong point, so I would suggest you use an Ethernet cable instead. Then you can leave that antenna in the box too.


Best to keep the TT away from the ‘Brawn’ side of the equation, so to the left🙂
Where is the Phono Stage going to sit?:thinking:

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You’ll find that the 300’s Burndy leads aren’t long enough for that arrangement, so they will need to go next to each other. The order you need is NDX2, 282, HC, 300, 300PS.

You know of course that the NDX2 should have a power supply if you want a balanced system with the 300. If you have no alternative to the arrangement, and never will have, I can’t help thinking it may be worth swapping the lot for a new classic 222, 300 and 250. Three boxes, perfectly balanced. Just a thought.

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Phono stage is next to the TT

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Luckily the Burndy’s fitted perfectly with no length to spare. So at the moment I have NDX, 282, 300, NAPSC/HICAPDR, 300PS. Turntable on the top at the left with phonostage next to it.

However, I am not getting any sound. The 282 has Mute(top row) flashing and CD lit and Aux2 in bottom row.

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That’s a power supply or link plug fault. You need to check everything. I suspect a link plug is missing. Go through the manual and you’ll identify what’s wrong.

What link plugs am I supposed to have? The only one I can see is at the back of the NDX

There should be two link plugs supplied with the 282. With one Hicap you need one link plug fitted in socket ‘link 2’.


Ah in that case that’s where the problem lies. There are no link plugs at all. I bought the 282 second hand so will have to buy some.

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In regards to the remotes, I have three as pictured below. The middle one controls the NDX. the one to the left controls the 282 I assume but have no idea what the one on the right is for? Also how can I pair the remote to the 282 please?