300dr into a 552dr/552ps

Hi, I have a question which I am sure with the knowledge on here you can help me with.
I have been loaned a 552dr & 552ps to demo, I currently have a 300dr/ SCdr into the 252dr

Looking at the connection diagrams for Naim it only shows the 300dr connection via a SC, rather than direct into the 552ps (as it does for the 500dr)

Is this correct? or can the 300dr connect the same as the 500dr? I don’t want to risk damaging anything.

As far as I am aware the XLR/4 pin cables are exactly the same.

Thanks in advance.

Yes it connects the same way via the two DIN4 sockets on the 552PS, Signal out 2 & 3.

Thanks very much, I thought it should but didn’t want to risk it! How are you liking the 350’s?

Set up correctly, it should easily outclass the 252/SC.

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Would love to hear some feedback on what you think. It’s something I might consider now 552s are become more affordable exdem/2nd hand.

Not much to say really, it’s better in just about every aspect - and so it should be, at the price. To get the max benefit though, sources have to be top notch.

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Only set it up on Sunday, pretty much from the first moment it was noticeably different. So much separation of voice and instruments, I find everything is just defined and smooth. I am not too good at describing these things but it is exceptional. I am already not looking forward to giving it back, definitely going to get one as soon as I can.


Thanks for the feedback. Similar set up to me except speakers. I read a few reviews on here with comments like “it’s just another lever” or “I didn’t realise music could sound this good” etc.

Would you be looking at an ND555 or do you think the NDX2 with 555PS is up to the job. Early days I know.

Best start saving my pennies (or thousands of pounds :joy:)

I don’t have any plans on changing the NDX 2. Think the 552 next then maybe a 500 amp? It’s all happened a bit quick the Naim upgrading, started with a SN3 in October 22! Time to slow down now on the “upgrading”


252DR is great but I was surprised at how good the upgrade to 552DR is. Enjoy!

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Same here.

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I have 552/300DR , previously 282. I have to say the 552 is a fantastic piece of kit… the biggest SQ upgrade I’ve had.
Now looking at a full 500 system…


My experience as well. Congrats!

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Yes the Nac 552 is fantastic and that is the way to upgrade,to skip the sidestep Nac 252 .


If the 300DR is driving the Fact 12’s OK, then I’d say look at the ND555 first.



What graham said
Nd555 next


I have only just upgraded from the fact 8 sig to the 12 sig, love the speakers, the dealer brought over the 552 to try which is great. I have a pair of 350’s coming at the weekend to demo, but will have to use a 332 as I would need a legacy cable into the 252 or 552. It will be interesting to see how the 350’s perform, it’s just a shame I will not be able to use the 552, I’m pretty sure I will get a 552 but might go for the 350’s first if they are as good as I think they will be. Overall though the 300dr via the 552 is really nice.

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I didn’t think the 300DR was particularly good with Fact 12’s. I think you’ll hear a big improvement with the 350’s (or possibly a pre loved 500 ?). The 552 is ace though.


I’ve got the same system as you’re listening to , and recently unexpected had an opportunity to replace my NDX2 with an ND555. It’s been really nice, but I’m definitely in the “love what gone got “ camp - there’s nothing much wrong with an NDX2 as a streamer. Enjoy!


If you think the 552DR is good, just wait until you hear what it can do hanging off a 500DR :joy:

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