500 series owners, what would you do

The more I listen to mine, the more I love it.

I stretch on a mat in front of it hundreds of a times a year, and enjoy gazing at the 7 black and Olive boxes at close range while I’m in the upward dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana).

The monolithic design of the exterior with no screens or fancy knobs quietly signals that these boxes are designed with sound quality and nothing else in mind.

The number of boxes would be ridiculous if it was gratuitous, but you cannot get to the core of the Naim sound with less boxes.


I’m not sure you are playing the game properly, as your DarTZeel pairing costs double the price of a 552/500. You’d rather hope it would be pretty good.

Makes sense.

Perhaps May 2025 or 26.

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I’d love to hear it one day.

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This idea goes against Naim’s approach of separating power supplies.

But the demand has been there for years.

It must be an issue they have deliberated over for the 500 series replacement.


I would dust off the Mordaunt Shorts, unpack the Olives 72 hicap 180, plug in the CD5x, and continue enjoying music while i count the money :moneybag: :moneybag: :moneybag: :money_mouth_face:


I understand that time for a Statement!

@HungryHalibut Nigel - I thought I was following the rules of the game. I took the check and used it as a down payment for my new system :grin:

All kidding aside one of things I contemplated was what would be the price of the 500 series replacements. Here in the States the 500 series has remained at $35k per box for more than a decade. Surely prices have gone up however Naim obviously decided development costs were amortized and they were able to absorb material costs as well. The limited volume of 500 sales may have also possibly contributed to their decision as well.

Based on prices of the new lineup I would venture to say 500 series replacements can easily jump to $45-50k here in the States. Not quite there however getting close to DarTZeel territory.

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Hope I may ask, but did you buy your Dartzeels new or used? Gave your Naim in exchange or sold separately?

Did you install them already?

Ok, you win! The DarTZeels are £50,000 per box in the U.K., so the difference will be less in the US. I do love the bright colours they use and I bet they sound great.

If I owned a 552/500 - I did once have a 552 so am almost eligible to compete - I think I’d get the Linn Selekt and use the rest for an electric car.


Not long to wait now, the teaser campaign started today :wink:

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A cylinder shaped 500 series FM tuner with antenna :slight_smile:


I’ve waited so long! Hope they keep the mono button.


New, no trade-in, installed and burning in over the past month.



Honestly you’re most welcome. Ill be very busy this month but as of the new year I’d happily host you. The only downside is my system is in my bedroom so I would have to arrange a sofa to replace the bed😄


Hope you going to write and post some images in the future :slight_smile:


First thing I’d do is buy a Colnago C68 Motoki


Had a thought about it. I’d try to get it all back. I never get tired of this. The 500 is my favourite Naim box. It would be the last box I’d sell if any. I love it all the way from looks to performance. Magic. 300DR was great but the 500 is something different indeed.


Now you’re talking…
but you really ought to pedal this reverie poshbike-porn in The Lounge ‘Flapjack and cappuccino’ topic where we can all oggle your exquisite predilection of exorbitant extravaganza :stuck_out_tongue:


It would start a . . . process.

I would definitely go for a smaller footprint system. But I really don’t know what.

I’d get an in-home demo of the Aavik stuff because I love the footprint and the industrial design suits me. But I’d want it in-home for a while to really hear.

I’d also do my best to get an in-home demo of Nagra HD – at least the HD Preamp and HD Amp (which is 2 monoblocks). Ideally I’d go Nagra HD all the way as again I love the small footprint, the industrial design, and I’ve heard it at a demo and thought it sounded wonderful (HD Dac, Pre, and Power).