500 series replacement imminent?

In order for a NEW 500 series to be “born” , they (naim) must have serious planing in the process for the statement , or unless there’s no more statements by then when they have materialise the new 500

I wonder if that was the demo at the end of October, 2019? If so, I recall Sopra loudspeakers rather than Grand Utopias. I did post on here at the time that I was pleased that although the Statement sounded ‘better’, the 500 series system was not disgraced in its presence.

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Well the thread has now been running for more than a month so the replacement 500 series, if there is to be one, must be more imminent than when we started.


Haha, old news right enough. I’m wondering how close the next 200 replacement will push the current 300 series.

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I’d also bet that any NAP500 will be a 2-box solution, as there are some serious logistics involved with transportation with anything heavier.


Not to mention the compromise involved with a one box solution. Naim are amongst a few companies that understand the importance of separating noisy power supply from the boards.

Audio Note have implemented the same design in their ‘fifth element’ source components.

Yes, but a one box can also be fine if done right, like naim did with the statement. It’s all about isolation.
Having twin boxes, you can soon lose any gain with just the cable you need to connect them boxes together.
Also, i guess as the price goes up, you need to justify more why it’s what it is.
But i can see the new 500 amp being mono once again.
Taking in the full advantages then of true balanced design rather than what went before.
This means you can get them Amp’s away from the source completely if you want.

Er, Dunc, I hate to break it you, but the Statement is three boxes - a pre-amp, and two mono power amps.


They are also rather large boxes, more reminiscent of a Fraim stack than a Uniti, I would say.

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Yes, the height and orientation of the transformer in the PSU section beneath the electronics are key. - if you were to lay them on their sides, they would be like the brain and brawn stacks.

:slight_smile: I think you understood his point was power supply and amp in the same box which is the case with all three Statement boxes.

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Of course, but even there they are essentially separated - see my post above.

Ha ha.
Each with a huge transformer in each box.
3 boxes yes, one pre amp, and 2 x mono Amp’s nothing special in that is there.

As said many ways to put it in one box.
You miss understood what i was saying i think

Or do they??? The much acclaimed NC350 has everything in a mono box so will a new 500 sacrifice SQ for marketing?

I believe technology has advanced so much so in the last 10 over years, so be it One box or 2 boxes , the crux in coming out with new products works hand in hand with new technology and marketing , without marketing ? Where’s the funds for new products and sustainability of a company ?

I think he understands you perfectly, he’s just being polite.

the 350 is in another league than the 300 so maybe 2 boxes but with power supply in each was a better move. Of course different price and design. So maybe we are overthinking this.
You have the statement that still is better than the 500 even with the psu in the same box.

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One box, yes, but with the height and weight of maybe 5 boxes ( S1).

Few companies understanding the importance of separated power supply ?

To my mind comes :

Musical Fidelity

However I don’t believe it’s the only way to maximise sound quality.
For instance I have 2 boxes , Ear 912 and 534. For my ears, this combo is on the level of Nac 252/supercap dr/ 300 dr/ 300 ps/ Superline ( 5 boxes) and the price of the later is much more expensive.

You have Aavik , DCS, MBL, Dartzeel, Chord….that are the leaders, with Naim, in the audio market, and they don’t use external big linear ps.