500 series replacement imminent?

White light, white heat.

I wonder how these new Halcro Eklipse Monos compare vs Statements.
They use complex SMPS. Around 100 k for both.


Pic from google

Pivetta opera … looks scary :laughing:

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Well the stereo verson of that amp sounded stunning at the Sydney hifi show last weekend through Duntech Princess speakers with the Dohmann Helios 1 turntable. Just as much prat as any linn naim system. As Ivor used to say, there is more than one way to skin a cat!


I believe the upright form factor is what makes it a “statement” not the relative performance. Other brands with the same standing up on their side form factor also call those products “statement”.

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Yes. Like shoebox. Statement is a form factor.

There are other brands with floorstanding amps of the same dimensions also called “statement” in the form factor description.

VAC is (or was) another example.

Just checking the calendar - I had suspected April 1st.

I assure you, VAC, Anthem, Nagra tall standing Statement amps aren’t a joke.

Hahaha, let’s see if there’s a single customer who bought Statement amps purely because of their shape. I can’t even bring myself to say “form factor”.


I’m not for one second implying anyone would. Merely pointing out that a statement doesn’t have to be the top of a range. Any more than a shoebox must be the bottom of a rsnge.

Not sure what problem you have with “form factor”. It’s a standard term.

Pic from google

The legendary mark 33 mono

There are statement cables, a statement phono stage……so it’s not a form factor.

Coincident Statement phono. Around 5k. Pic from their site.

I finally decided against them when I faced the curved cooling fins - looks terrible bling tbh.

… Bank Manager



I went to the NIam factory where they did a direct comparison between the Statement and the 500dr…into big Grand Utopias…there was a difference…but the margin was not that large.

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I did the same dem and I agree. 3 x 500 active from 500 passive, in my system at least, is a more significant upgrade.

Very interesting to read that. So far all the comments I had been reading were of the views that the NAC or the NAP S1 sound considerably better.

Thank you sir for talking some sense. I am surprised by how people imagine tech works. Ignoring all other parameters if we only consider the size of the Statement if nothing else it can house larger transformers. Steve sells also talks about why it was vital to make it a vertical design. Again something that cannot be achieved in a compact design.

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