500 series replacement imminent?

I waiting patiently for the new 500s… should be in the 2 years u hope

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I heard the new 500s are mono blocks?

@Richard.Dane leader is it true ?

That’s fully logic given the 350s and complexity building/repair current NAP500.

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Yes my thoughts too … and I thk it’s more like 2 boxes then 4 boxes … a bigger 350s or the linn 800 mono type

If something has been officially announced by Naim then it’s very likely to be true. If it’s just a rumour that someone has heard then very likely untrue.

Just for your info, the last I heard at Bristol was that the NAP500 would be with us for a while longer, so I wouldn’t hold your breath…


I have been told three years from now minimum.

The enormity of the R&D work for a whole new 500 series can’t be underestimated. I wouldn’t have bought two new 500DR amps if there was a newer version on the horizon!

They could bring out 500 series monoblocks…
which would be interesting…other than that developing a new 500 would be finacially very risky…

Imagine how much space 500 mono blocks would take up if the boxes were similar size to the existing combo😳. Going active with them would need a very large room.

I wonder how they are going to develop an amp that is better than the 500 but not as good as Statement? I haven’t heard them but is there a big difference? It seems some of those that have a Nac s1 stays with the 500 and/or goes active with the 500 instead of buying the nap s1.

Heck, the dilemmas we have to face!


One proposal would be to write the new 500 series specifications in german to protect the S1 a bit.


Why would it be any bigger than the 500 amp now if mono block?
The 500 we have now is 2 mono amp’s in one box, so when you make it a single mono you will have one side completely empty for the power supply to fit it.
It does probably mean you will have 2 bigger boxes the same size, rather than the way it is now.
Going back to mono in one box will surely be the way they go, especially now they have finally taken on board balanced connections.
This means amp’s can go anywhere and not stuck in the rack causing problems.
The twin box way is out i feel

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As i have said before you don’t start at the bottom and work up when you are bringing a new range out.
You start at the top and go down. If you dont then you don’t know if you can do better.
The new 500 will certainly already been done, and fine tuning, plus waiting for the right time to realise it is now what’s probably being sorted.
I guess making sure you dont have too much old stock and parts left over is the game right now.
As we all now once it gets released the old model becomes that, the old model.


Several members with the S1 pre (including myself) have stated that 552 to S1 is a bigger upgrade than 500DR to S1 power. However the Statement power amps are superb (at £150k retail) and significantly better than a single 500DR. In my case it took 3 x 500DR active to take my system to Full Statement level. This judgment echoes what several members heard at Signals some time back when the two combos were being demo’d at the same time. An option that would be interesting would be a stereo version of the S1 power at around S1 price. Something that my dealer has been calling for.


Thank you for sharing. Then there seems to be room for an updated 500 in due time. It might be called 550 then.

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Or how about an integrated 500 series amplifier in a Statement style enclosure?

(With record out, of course!)

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Is it possible to produce an integrated amplifier that could replace the sq given by the current 500dr separates, or even by the 300 dr separates?
Technically possible and at what price?