500 series replacement imminent?

I know the messages can be distorted but all the indications are that improving on the current 500 is a mighty challenge so not sorted.

As said any manufacturer doesnā€™t make this mistake if they are bringing out a new range that consists off 3 different levels.
You 100% start at the top and work down, and not the other way round.
But believe what you wish


Well itā€™s what it is, but your logic suggests that the 500 Series (if thatā€™s what it is) replacement would have come before the 200/300. Further, surely the switch to white lighting on the existing 500 would have not taken place?

But itā€™s all good.

Iā€™m hoping they will call it 600 series, so there can be a 666 power supply :grimacing:



Itā€™s actually a concept that was briefly suggested to me by someone who might be in a position to influence such things. You never know.

Naim will certainly have itā€™s strategy all worked out.
I certainly wouldnā€™t look to much into a light change. This could be for many reasons like, low stock of the old, not wanting to buy in any more, trying to shift the remaining stock, etc, etc.

Not saying itā€™s easy but also donā€™t forget naim have had well over a decade to come up with it all, thatā€™s why i am very confident itā€™s already sorted. Plus the other new ranges came out very soon after each other.

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Me too, obviously

We can only hope. I have considered other makes for a hi end integrated but I havenā€™t yet come across anything that pleases me.

D ā€˜Agostino momentum , vitus , gryphon 333 ?

Too bling.

Vitus and Gryphon I should try and get a listen to before upgrading the 300dr to a possible 500dr. Maybe another year or so.

I was thinking that the psu could fit in the case with mono ampā€¦doing away with burndiesā€¦so the overall box count stays the sameā€¦just a thought thats all.

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I think we MIGHT assume that the replacement will be a mono block configuration, conceptually that seems to be the direction of travel, but from there on?

Home demoed the Momentum S250MxV vs. my 500DR - bypassing the 552 and running dCS Rossini directly into the amp.
The 500 won that battle

Of course after that all was binned for DarTZeel separatesšŸ˜‰

The 500 however still has what it takes. Pretty remarkable considering its age.


I doubt there will be a 600 range anytime soon.
Sure they sell very low numbers of 500 and have done so for a while.
Even that they created white logo which tell me a ting or two.

350 is what they want to sell, someone told me they are in some ways better than 500.
These numbers remind me I will have to try my two Nap 100 Vsoon.
BTW logic tell me after 300 and 200 comes 100
100 could be replacement of XS & 5-series.
Or have they given up entry levels ? - might be too expensive.

I think naim is missing a real opportunity here! Donā€™t stop with discount green, but just hold the line on white and next time a boost is needed , offer a blue-light special.

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In 2023, you said you had been told it was 2026 at the earliest. Three years from now takes us in to 2027.

Free beer tomorrow, anybody?

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Well I didnā€™t change the ETA. Iā€™m just reporting what I have been told as I did last year. Not sure why I bother :man_shrugging:

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Yes you did. Maybe what you meant was ā€œat least three years from when I was given an ETA last year,ā€ but what you actually said implies that you just heard that itā€™s still 3 years off, which means that the ETA did change.