500DR system salvation

So are you @Devraj. We are all amazing!

I will be here. Not giving up the fight Paul. My life is only half way through!



I really, really appreciate the positive energy on here from you all.

You make me feel incredible, wonderful and truly fantastic!

Life is for living. I am enjoying life no matter what it brings. Every day is a good day being alive!


Give it a bit time, weā€™ll get there.

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@Dan_M youā€™re an inspiration and Iā€™m relieved that your system has been your salvation through this difficult period.

You may have learned from the very knowledgable members about improving on your hifi but we have certainly learned how to live from you.

Wish you all the best pal. :people_hugging:


@Dan_M I should also add that Iā€™m sure youā€™re taking all the necessary measures to tackle your illness but if I may, please do not ignore diet. Itā€™s the one thing that isnā€™t usually suggested by doctors and Iā€™m actually surprised by how little they know about it.


In 10 years time I confidently predicted that @Dan_M will be telling us how good his 500 system was, but how his current Statement one is different leagueā€¦& how the 50th Anniversary LP12 he picked up for a song online, is even better than the Klimaxā€¦


Great post @Canaryfan. I can see it happen too :rofl: :muscle:


Your welcome Dan.

Oh, & if you want next weeks winning lottery numbers, let me knowā€¦

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Itā€™s a pleasure to share this Hi-Fi journey with you @Dan_M. Weā€™re all in your corner :muscle:

Still wondering about my next moveā€¦


I thought you were going NAP1000??? I have been waiting for this to happen eagerly :slight_smile:

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Haha. Discussions are happening with my rack builder for another layerā€¦



We need your good self to upgrade to convince Dan he needs to upgrade again :joy:

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I have been doing lots of upgrades. Gaia I will be arriving soon. Done loads of cable upgrades.

Like I said next step will be room upgrade once I know where I am with my health.

Not prepared to do anything else on system until subfloor, walls and mains are upgraded.

If I was going to do upgrade thereafter would be speakers and speaker cable possibly.

Thereā€™s nothing else to upgrade. Unless I go S1 and 3 x 500DRs active or Full statement.

Speakers could make a big difference but room treatment would be best first as I say !

To be honest, it sounds fantastic as it is. Maybe I am done! The system and room is complete as it is.

Itā€™s a case of knowing when you are happy with what you have. I have achieved all my system goals. I no longer feel any need whatsoever to change things.

It would be doing it for the sake of it.


Hi @Dan_M

I donā€™t post on the forum very much at all, but Iā€™ve been reading quite consistently for the last year or so, which includes following your posts.

I can really see that your system is such a positive aspect of your life and very good for your well being! Its been very interesting to follow. I can only begin to imagine how good your system sounds.

Keep enjoying the system and I wish you all the very best moving forwards, and keep blasting the Pantera albums!

All the best



I love the positive attitude here and Dan, the system looks great. There is no doubt in my mind that great sounds are good for the soul and we should all enjoy the great systems we have built up. Keep on that road to recovery and best of luck with the journey. I cannot resist recomending one great album that has me hooked, Hannah Sanders and Ben Savage, Before the Sun. Saw them play at a festival last month and if folk music with great guitar is your thing give it a whirl on that lovely LP12!


Totally and utterly agree there seems to be a consensus that cancer is fundamentally effected by sugar/carbs. I suggest steering clear of them all together and eat unprocessed whole foodsā€¦check out Dr Berg onlineā€¦ I really wish you all the best with your personal battleā€¦pls keep in communication with the forumā€¦
Kind Regards Richard


Wow, wow, wow!! What a fantastic system Dan. I really hope it gives you hours of enjoyment. Have you listened to any particular music where you thought ā€˜I was never a huge fan but I get it all on this systemā€™.
Someone somewhere said to me once ā€œIf youā€™re going to have a hobby then just settle for one and do it wellā€. I think he was paraphrasing Jack of all trades, Master of none. Dan, I donā€™t know you but on reading your story I really felt youā€™d embraced the above. Best / Mike


Spot on. Cancer typically survives or worsens in an acidic environment but along with the typical drug treatment itā€™s so important to have a super strict diet to tackle this disease.

Iā€™ve had a very close friend of mine diagnosed with a very serious autoimmune. It breaks my heart knowing that the pharmaceuticals are just a profit based organisation and donā€™t really care too much about cure, only treatment.

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Agreeā€¦there seem to be very few doctors who understand the priciples of metabolic diseaseā€¦I had to work it out and research it myselfā€¦after being diagnised with pre diabetesā€¦ The result of my efforts are vurtually zero arthritis, 12% reduction in body weight (I am now the same weight I was at 21ā€¦and I am 63), no glycemic headachesā€¦and I feel so much better. Its simple if you eat sugarā€¦then all the fat you consume will be packed away by your body generally as fat. If you look at the uk diet it is 60%+ carbsā€¦which the body ultimately cannot handleā€¦A walk through a supermarket now really highlights the problemā€¦loads of carbs, hi sugar and lots of ultra processed foodsā€¦its scary. By the way donā€™t get me wrong I love carbsā€¦there are so many delicious tempting disasters out thereā€¦the food industry just cares about profit not health.