500DR system salvation

How do you propose controlling the intracellular or extrcellular pH of cancer cells? You cannot change the pH of blood via diet or any other method.
I think this is an inappropriate place to make these claims. Suggest it goes to somewhere else on the forum under an appropriate heading.


Indeed, I think I am doing my best as far as diet and keeping myself fit by doing a very physical job and going on long walks.

With two potential ops coming up I need to keep my weight up rather than down! I lost 2 stonne in weight after last op. Chemoradiotherapy lost 2 and half stone.

My initial cyst which was cancerous, they believe was since birth: embryonic. Effectively a birth defect which unfortunately over time became cancerous. My consultant said that my lifestyle was not the cause of the cancer.

A preventative approach for others having a balanced diet is all good. But I am not sure what relevance that has with me or this thread!

Criticising the drug companies that are keeping me alive perhaps isnā€™t the most appropriate thing.

Enjoying the system. The Gaia Is turned up today as did new outer platter and lid for LP12. New lid and outer platter fitted immediately.

The Gaiaā€™s are not straight forward to fit on Sopra 2s. The front spikes that come with Sopra 2s need the base plate loosening to remove them. Itā€™s a two man job.


Hey @Dan_M, out of interest what is your favourite genre of music at the moment?
I appreciate you will listen to a few different ones. :grin: :notes:

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Ah, techno head! :muscle:

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I listen to a Russian Techno station alot on ND555. And then listen to mainly Rock, progressive and electronic music, mainly on LP12.


I take it you have been putting your speakers to the test in recent months?
:sound: :sound:


The system gets played as it is meant to be played. Loud! I donā€™t push it too hard as I donā€™t want to blow my woofers and tweeter!

But I live at end of cul de sac in modern link detached property so neighbours never complain!


Good lad! :+1: :joy:


Whatā€™s so inappropriate about saying that diet should be altered? I didnā€™t suggest any alternative treatment did I?

Anyway I donā€™t want the thread to go astray so Iā€™ll bow out.

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Yep, I found it pretty difficult on my #1s Dan and so would definitely recommend having someone help you.

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What you said was in good faith. I am sorry if I have caused any offence.

On a day when we have lost one of our forum members, please make allowances when we say things that offend or say that we feel something is in appropriate.

I have offended others on here. We are human and sometimes that happens.

Peace and love.


Russian Techno? Crikey. What the cr*p is that??? A bunch of skinhead blokes with chainsaws? Iā€™m sure it sounds sharp through your 500 system but I hardly think it recuperative. Where the whale noises, whence the pan pipes?

All power to your elbow, and if you could let me know a top Russian Techno track Iā€™ll give it a go. But distinctly dubious about it all.

One of the nice things about NZ is that almost all our housing is detached (well, good for benefits, not so much for housing affordability). Our nearest neighbour is 10m from our house, but with double glazing, you can barely hear my stereo when itā€™s really cranked up when I stand outside on the deck.

Or maybe Iā€™m going deaf from having the stereo cranked up? :thinking:


That is a really nice benefit, I do occasionally crank mine up; but living in a Victorian terraced house in East London, I only tend to do so if I know the neighbours are out. Or if they have done the same to me the day before!


Ah, neighboursā€¦

I live in a large converted hop kiln, basically four tall chimneys about 8m square and 25m tall, connected by working spaces, now converted to 3 storey living space as are the chimneys. The building makes up three 6 bedroom homes (Herfordshire is cheap!) and the wall between my home and the attached neighbour is 7ft thick, sound isolated and of huge mass. I did have the chance to measure how much sound passes through this party wall. At 110db in my listening room I measured 42db with the meter against the same wall on the other side. The sound was barely detectable except in one room. With windows open things get harder, but 110db is very loud and I typically do not drift above 100db unless the single malt is being explored!

But, I still get quite regular complaints. Annoying text messages and frequent snippy remarks in the garden. As for my wifeā€¦

We actually get on with all of our neighbors quite well, and I have had to compromise, only play loudly when they are out or away. My wife and I have been married for 40 years so we know the boundaries!

And so my dream upgrade is now to move to a place with an accoustically isolated 8x5m space that is mine. Not shared, not connected, not overlooked. That will likely cost me more than the 500 series kit though!


I think we need to see some pictures of this amazing sounding home!!! I agree that the wife is the main barrier to blasting it out and less the neighbours. Mine can hear pin drop from a mile away :roll_eyes:

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Modest semi detached end of terraceā€¦

It has been suggested that we turn the kiln towers into huge inverted horn speakers, but I think my wife may have an issue with that (for some reasonn!) so they will remain as bedrooms.


Wow! It is everything I imagined and then some! Really, really amazing place to live. My first house was part a redeveloped Victorian orphanage. If you imagine a capital ā€˜Eā€™, the janitors house was on the end of the middle spur (no mains pun intended) and had itā€™s own garden and front door (the rest were turned into flats by the developerā€¦). It was small, but I still miss living there!

Is it your climbing wall on the last pic ?