
It will, it’s the best dr upgrade naim did


It’s just a shame that Naim no longer offer the DR upgrade. Is there a (sensible) reason, such as lack of components?


I just rebuilt my Supercap-DR which was newly recapped last year but struck by lightning in June 23. It sounds great now. I think it is really a supply chain issue.

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Well they offered the pots 8 revision to the 52 years after the reference/classic gear came out so not impossible for naim to resupport the DR upgrase scheme.


Great news Stu, and I’m sure you have made the right choice here sticking to a 500 DR with the rest of your system. It’s all about making a quick purchase when a rear bargain comes up :sunglasses:. Looking forward to hearing how it sounds and will be avoiding any temptations as I’m enjoying the 300 DR smashing my system.


That’s what I’m thinking. There has been a surge of P/L units become available lately, no doubt as a result of the NC series launch. Used prices have dropped by as much as 30% and while I don’t see them recovering completely I reckon they will start to rise again as availability of these units returns to more normal levels.


I did the same a few years back - never regretted it enjoy!!!

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It’s a 2008 unit that was DR’d and serviced in 2016 so should be nicely run in with plenty of service life in it yet. Described as excellent condition with 12 months dealer warranty. I’m over the moon!

Looks like it was part of an active system because there’s another one of same vintage and service history just gone up.


I bought my 500 in 2017…it was a 2001 model in metal flight cases…never serviced it sounded fab…but i decided to DR and service at the same time in 2018…it’s almost a new amp…as a result. My only grumble is the transformer is quite growly…at times. according to Steve - the recent ones use transformers with superior better damped internals… Is yours sensative to mains…and growly?

Yes always had trouble with growly transformers on all my PS :frowning_face:

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Possibly the speakers no. You probably need the 808s now, then there is active so more 500DRs and a snaxo/Supercap DR and so the road to nirvana continues ad infinitum :wink:

I honestly have no desire to change my speakers thank you very much!

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Don’t quote that my none DR 500 is becoming nervous :grin:

I’m trying to ignore this thread, come what may !

Maybe it can be used in a wonky active system.

No I did not invent that phrase :wink:

550DR on the bass and 500 non DR on the treble or vice versa

I’ll be stripping down the stack tonight in readiness for tomorrow…


Keep us posted

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Well done Stu :blush:

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What did you do with the 500 non DR?