552DR/300DR incoming…

Well I had a 300, not a DR.

But honestly?

Oh man, you’re in for a treat :sunglasses:

Only trouble is, where do you go next???

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Nice one, let us know how you get on with the change.

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In my system the 252 is a revelation. Makes the 282 - with SCDR - seem coarse and unrefined.


Yeah, I wanted to like the 252 but I never got that oh wow moment you get with most Naim upgrades. It wasn’t as bad as the SN1 or 200 which were complete let downs, it was just rather meh. And at that price point meh doesn’t cut it for me. I was looking at a stack of expensive boxes sitting on an expensive hunk of furniture and it should’ve sounded way better than it did. Meanwhile, the lowly 272/555/250DR are sitting on an old Sound Org rack in a room that doesn’t have ideal acoustics and it’s mopping the floor in SQ and enjoyment. Go figure.



We have just moved from 272/XPSDR/250 to 252/300 and to use your words our current setup is “mopping the floor” with the old :laughing:

It’s been more than a slight upgrade, it’s simply in a different league.

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I went from a SN2 to a 252/250, and it was in an entirely different league. I skipped the 282. I could have happily stayed with the 252/250, it was great and I never had issues with set-up.

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The views are consistent with different Naim owners. Either really rate the 252 or don’t. This has been the case for many years. The 282 and 552 seem to be more favourable. The 202 and 200 also are disappointing for some here. I don’t think the verdict is universal for any of these preamps. Just use your ears and decide for your self.


Well it should be for the $$. Be happy you have the ears for that amp.

I’ve heard that the 252 is sensitive to placement and cable dressing too. The 252 Supecap DR 500 system I listened to was nicely spaced out at dealers on medium and full height Full Fraim twin stacks. The NDX2 didn’t stand out as anything special but the Linn Lp12 Klimax did sound very very good. The 500DR was pretty impressive with plenty of power, control and grip. Maybe the 252 is too subtle for some?



btw, I noticed increased noise floor with 552 non DR. And it seems like 500 non DR has more noise floor than 500DR (somewhere I read 500DR lowered it by 40dB which is quite a lot). Anyone ever felt the noise floor of the 500 non DR was a problem with normal sensitivity speakers say up to 90-93dB or so?

I would say more ‘refined’ or ‘revealing’ than ‘subtle’ - certainly compared to the 282.

This isn’t to say that I’m not hankering after a 552 mind you… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It’s the 272 not the 282 that the comparison has been about on this thread.

I think the 252 needs really careful matching with speakers…and sources…

@Richieroo I have a 252 and agree. If you have a system designed around a 282 which is fun and forward with the energy of a puppy, moving to the 252 can sound boring.

It’s fantastic with a high spec LP12. I found mine so dull and lifeless with a NDX2/XPSDR that I traded out the XPSDR for a Rega Aura since I liked the bare NDX2 better. I recently added a Chord Hugo TT which is a much better match.

Get the 252 in the right system and it’s fantastic. If not, you won’t be happy.

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Totally agree…its a fab preamp…in the right circumstances…I will add too the 552 takes no prisoners for all the right reasons and also needs suitable matching…everything is a compromise…just to a greater or lesser degree…

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I’m extremely happy with mine but I do wish the volume control was more user friendly.


Yeah, if my system wasn’t set up well enough for a 252 then that’s a problem for Naim afaic. Fraim, dedicated line, cable dressing, NACA5, etc, etc. Nah, I think it’s the amp. And the volume pot sucked too. Forgot about that.

I followed this advice and am happy I did. I’ve never heard a 252, but I feared a situation where I auditioned it, liked what I heard, but either grew bored or underwhelmed with it after a few months, or just got the upgrade itch again. Given that I’ll never come close to being able to afford an S1, there’s peace of mind in knowing that - for my source and pre, at least - upgraditis is effectively over.


I know what you mean - I think there is some consensus, but it is far from universal across people or topic.

I didn’t rate 282 as better than 82 overall, and don’t rate 252 (or preamp part of 272) as more enjoyable/ involving than 52. I would have taken 252 over my old 82 only if the 252 were cheap and the 52 didn’t exist.

Plenty (including some less deaf than me and many who favour detail over foot-tapping vigour) disagree with all that. However, I don’t think it can be all about personal taste only. Who doesn’t think (say) that DR amps are quieter in noise-floor and more vigorous/ dynamic than the models directly before?

All boxes involve compromises and a lot of us agree on what the balance of compromises is in many of these cases - see the chat comparing the various 250 and 300 iterations. Which of those compromises matters most/ least to each of us is where I see no consensus at all - no surprise there.

More relevantly for this thread, I have yet to read many comments about a well set-up and well-fed 552 that didn’t rate it as the best Naim preamp that people have heard (unless they have own Statements and how many have that?). The consensus on that seems much stronger than that on 252 or 272 or 282 - in fact the last preamp to be as consistently praised as a 552 (and praised for a consistent list of virtues) was probably the 72. Now that really was a bargain as well as a classic…


On the forum I would say that the Naim preamps that are most highly rated value for money, popularity, etc are in no particular order: 72, 82, 282, 52, 552.

Alot of forum members want mk 2 272 as well. The 272 used to be very popular but the Supernait 3 NDX2 has taken it’s position.

The 252 is marmite. The 92, 102, 202 are not as well regarded as the first list of preamps.

The CB and Olive shoe box preamps are popular still but a bit of niche market.

Value for money and quality a 72 or 82 and you can’t go too far wrong.

I am now looking at 52 or 552.

I have not tested or listened to all these amps. This is the general concensus I have picked up from a good few years on the forum.

Each to their own and make decisions that are right for you!