552DR/300DR incoming…

My own experience with a 252, albeit with a non DR SC, was a very positive one. I would describe it as graceful and elegant. A highly accomplished unit and a massive upgrade on my previous and much treasured 272.


My experience of it with a 500DR and NDX2 with 555PS is that my NDS with 555PS, 82, Supercap 2 sounded better, which was a surprise. However the Linn LP12 Klimax sounded amazing with the 252, 500, Supercap. When I spoke to the dealers they said the 552 was on home demo. I was left interested in the 552 and not the 252. There is so much praise for the 52 on this site. So these are some of the reasons why I am interested in 52 and 552.

I think I have heard all except 32.5 and 92 at some point, and your list looks dead right to me, though my personal ranking (see above) for 82 over 282 is non-consensus.

It took me ages to find a 52 for a sensible price, but it was worth it. Consensus there is that getting one with the 52PS is not worse that getting one with a Supercap, and may be better.

Good hunting! Also HNY from Tassie.


From what I’ve read there isn’t enough daylight between an 82 and a 252. It all depends on where you’re starting from. I must admit I would love to hear a 52.


I think your system is now spot on with new deck as well. The icing on the cake! I am a big fan of the CDS2. Keep it! I regret getting rid of mine. And the CDS3 although brilliant didn’t quite have the magic. There is something magical, special and worthwhile about high end olive and chrome bumper kit which I would like to keep in my system if possible. Quite soon on in my Naim journey I went Olive and CB mixed with classic!

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If I was starting from scratch today I think I’d buy the following system;


I think that’s where the sweet spot in terms of VFM lies.


Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

This is one of the systems on my list. I may well keep the 135s and get a 552 though.

I’m keeping the NDS for the foreseeable future. It sounds better than the NDX2. Wait for ND555 prices to drop.

I’m thinking of getting either 52 or 552 first as next upgrade and then change out speakers. Looking at Kudos Titan 606, B&W 804 D4 or maybe some more Focals. Maybe Sopra 2 or 3. They are a bit lairy though to look at. The Kudos look classic and beautiful and would compliment the look of my listening room.

Then in a few years or maybe sooner I would either decide to keep the 135s or get a non DR 500.

I think my system would benefit from some real quality speakers. The Focal Aria 936 are powerful, good value for money but I think that my electronics deserve something a bit higher end.

I am in no rush but I have a slow burn plan over next few years if all goes well with finances !


It’s pretty much the system that you have Stu! How is it all sounding? Bet that 500 sounds awesome with the 552DR!

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And of course LP12 upgrades!!! Maybe put those on back burner. Lol.

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You were one of those shouting loudest, telling me to opt for a 500 when I was at a crossroads. Best Naim decision I’ve ever made. Staggeringly good VFM. Thank you :beers:


It’s a beast of an amp. So are you all done for now on your Naim upgrade journey?

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I have a special fondness for my 135s and spent alot of money getting them serviced when I got them. I have contemplated hanging on to them and getting the non DR 500 and keeping the 82 as well. And getting the 52 or 552. Trouble is something has to give and for most of us its compromises rather than our ideal system.

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I’ve got no interest in a 500 DR at this time, the 500 pushes my system really hard. I think any more might be too much in my room.

I do wonder about an ND555, but I’m not convinced it’s going to give me the same uplift that my 552DR and 500 did.

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I agree. I reckon you have done enough for now and are in a great position. The streamers change all the time. 4 or 5 years ago an NDS was £4000 or £5000. Now you can get one for £2000. The prices for ND555 will plummet as well in a few years! Hold the line!


You’re in a very good place, and I’m sure the 135’s sound very special indeed. That said the 500 was leagues ahead of my much loved 300, it wasn’t close. And I don’t think there’s much between the 135’s and 300.

No easy choices, all good but also difficult :grimacing:

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I’ve been doing a bit of tweaking with the new setup:

I’ve moved a Powerline from the Star to the Uniti Core and added the ball bearing and nuts back under the glass shelf on the Core (I had to retrieve a ball bearing from under a cabinet).

I’m now streaming locally using the Naim app rather than Roon, having concluded that this sounds better by going back to my initial desire to have the audio separated from a computer environment.

I’ve pulled the trigger on a pre-loved full Fraim base that matches the Fraim Lite and will install this under the 552 along with some spike protectors. That should be in place later next week.

The next thing I want to compare is local streaming using the coaxial output direct from the Core to the NDX against using the ethernet setup. I can only use the BNC/coaxial adapter at the moment, as I don’t have a BNC cable. If it’s promising, I’ll look into that further.

I think I mentioned before that I’ve moved the sub out, as it wasn’t adding anything with the 300 DR in place.


From what I have heard and the sound I like the 500 has the effortless power which is what I like. I had the 250CB before the 135s and changed it out as I loved the Naim sound but needed more oomph. The 500 is by no means a muscle amp but the power is easy and the soundstage is wider and deeper, more layered and textured.

I know juat how good that 500 is. DR is too expensive to do speaker change and preamp change all at same time. This is why VFM I think you have perfect system right now Stu. You’ve done it! You made it ! :beers:


Good move getting the Fraim base Mike. It will be worth it and you should get an uplift in SQ.

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Cheers Dan, and we both have :+1:

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To me, when all is going wrong and things are tough, I put some music on my wonderful system, and somehow it makes things basicly alright.
Enjoy the music, a fantastic system and things become better and more enjoyable!