552DR/300DR incoming…

Did you compare 300DR to 500 non DR? What’s the street value for a non 500 that are within the years of time for service?

It was back in 2018…I wanted a Nap300…and was prepared to pay around 4k…but I found a non dr500 for 4.7k in the orginal metal packing cases…went for it…and never looked back… I had heard the Nap300dr a number of times but never a 500… I compared the 500 to a Nap250dr and it was a huge upgrade compared to that…


I had a 300 which I had drd. I replaced this with a 500 non dr and it was a big improvement, particularly bass grip from memory

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The 500DR is my next and final move next year this will replace a none DR 300 albeit serviced in 2019.
The 552DR, SL2s, mDAVE will not be going anywhere and once the 500 slots in should be job done.


In the case of the OP and this thread I hope Mike keeps the 300DR for many years as it’s a superb amp. At some point you need to stop and enjoy the music, a 552/300 combination is perfect and would be more than enough to keep you smiling for many years to come.


This is advisable at least for a time rather than chopping and changing.

With regards the higher power amps 300 and 500, I am just curious why @Richard.Dane and others have stayed with a 250. Could it be that they work better with the SL2 that say the 300?

Perhaps the price is a bit on the steep side :thinking:

Let’s just say for the sake of argument price was no object and just discuss the sonic aspects

I used to have a NAP500 but had to scale back a bit when I left Naim. I’m very happy with the NAP250DR.


Over the many years and in the previous forum days, I consistently saw the analogy of thin-phat-thin-phat being identical to 200-250-300-500. I have never tried a 250 with the SL2 naively because the 300 was part of a naim recommended system 4. The system below the top 500 series system that was pre cds555 and so consisted of CDS3. Also NBLs and DBLs were discontinued so the system 5 had SL2s. Just curious really because people say the colouration (if that’s the right word) possibly helps when together with the SL2

Yes Joni, but I was only joking….

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Interesting and also how I remember going from 250DR to 300DR. And also SN1, SN2 to SN3 (thin, phat, thin).

A 300DR is thin? Non comprende…

I don’t think one means thin as that but the overall sound signature IMO is 250 more warm and 300 more neutral. None of them bad sounding per those definitions. Just different.

Maybe add another 300DR, SNAXO (if you can find one - plenty out there) and a Supercap DR. 2x 300DR active into SL2s might just pip the single 500DR to the post. They’re made to be active. Just sayin’
Although just re-read you’d post and note that the existing 300 is non DR, so that’s not quite as easy.

Got an opportunity on a NAP500 non DR to partner my 552 non DR replacing my 300DR. Should I? Seems like most recommend it even though not being DR. It will need service since it’s a 2007 without service made so roughly 1000GBP extra but then I’d have a fresh 500.

Logic tells me though that I should find a 555 for my NDX2 first.

Its a great amp - the secret is very careful speaker matching

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When I went self employed … I was able to claim the vat back on the audio gear … which sweetened the pill

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Reminds me of the old X box advert … Life is Short (Original Xbox advert banned) - YouTube

I’d keep the 300DR. A 555DR on the NDX2 makes a great deal of sense instead!

Let me know if you’d like me to help spend any more of your money for you! :rofl:

Merry Christmas, BF