552DR/300DR incoming…

On my system, using a non Naim pre, the 300 dr was meater vs the 250 dr, even at my dealer place with full Naim system.
I even found the 300 dr too fat , for my room and easy load speakers.

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Remember both the power supply and amp will need a service. The RRP is in the region of £800 to £900 per unit I think, so you would be potentially looking at £1600 to £1800 for a service on the 500 and 500 PS (Unless you are very good at haggling.)

Ah it’s per unit… That’s good to know. Thanks!

Ok let’s use the word lean then


Not even ‘lean’ is something I associate with my 300DR. I find it pretty full-phat after the 250DR (only about 8-10 months old iirc - maybe it wasn’t fully burned in yet! )
Goes to show I guess…different room, speakers, ears…

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I had a pair of 705s, agreed not in the same class as 805s which I have never heard. I could never get these speakers to work in my system and room. Boomed like hell is one way to describe the experience. I am not a fan of B&W speakers.
I am talking in the context of naim speakers pre ovator of course, which many have described as bass shy lacking the ability to scale big musical performances. With that said I am after hearing some people talking about their experiences of using phat naim amps and lean naim amps with SL2 speakers

Is your 552 non DR? I must have missed that in the excitement. Anyway, I’d certainly want to have a PS on the NDX2 at that level, if that features in the short term then why not? Otherwise it might be best to slowdown and just plan on the PS when one comes up.

Yupp, non DR. I’ll try to chill and await a 555PS. I’m sure that will be more beneficial short term. But you know the feeling when these boxes shows up. Adrenaline and FOMO!

Well, yes, but unless you have very deep pockets, one has to be sensible and take their time enjoying the music first and the journey second. There is also a risk of triggering more upgrades such as speakers and room treatment. I forgo 2 previous opportunities for used 300 DRs, the latest was the best option and the timing was right. I also forgo the 552/500 DR that Rooster mentioned above that came up a few years ago. In that case, the total cost was beyond me (and a 500 DR still is, and I’m not mixing non DR in my system). Actually, I prefer 6 boxes all the same size unwary, it’s very classic aesthetics.

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Are you finding the sound some what more effortless to listen to in a strange sort of way……not having to listen?


Yes, the whole system has breathe like ease to it that does make listening more effortless. I did think it all took a brief step back the other day - the units are used, so burnt in, so maybe just the typical settling in we hear about. It was very good yesterday. We watched the Tintin movie last night, and even with that, the sound was just way more open and clear.

I’ve also turned the sub off, and think I might prefer it that way. The 300’s are certainly driving the speakers very low and controlled. It was almost like less bass, but it’s actually more controlled and textured, with the loss of that very slight bloom.

Happy days. Merry Christmas!


Agree 102% :+1:


Depends on what is the preferred sources ,a 555 PS DR on my NDS did nothing for my NAT01 or LP12,better amps did :wink:

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Yes, well, better to make that call when you’ve experienced what a 555PS DR does for a CD player or streamer in your own system.

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Absolutely best to test everything in your own system, of course.

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Congratulations :partying_face:, nice setup Mike!

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I’ve decided to remove the sub, the 300 gets the Forests super low, and the sound seems cleaner without the sub in the room. So we have:


Is the 250 a DR version?

If it is you may want to hang onto it just on the off chance you decide to go active.

Prior to my secondhand upgrade to the 552DR and 500DR, I ran 252/SCDR and 250DR and I found the combo very satisfying.

The 300DR is the natural mate to the 252/SCDR and also the 552DR. But some have said the 300DR is a tad too analytical (aka hi-fi) with the 252/SCDR but it should be perfect for the 552DR.

The big surprise is that the 552DR with the 250DR is also something to hear.




Yes DR, but also already sold to help pay for the 300 :sunglasses:. I was tempted to try the 250 on the 552 out of interest (it’s still here), but there is no question that the 300 drives the Forests effortlessly :+1: