552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

It’s a used one, so shouldn’t take too long! It’s 2017.

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Still a few days Dan (my S1 takes best part of a week to optimise after any lengthy power down) but should sound great from the off!


Well, we’ll see… :slight_smile: …or rather, you’re going to find out :grin:

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The volume levels Dan drives his amps at probably a few minutes to warm up!


The 500DR took a good few days, maybe a week to come on song. But first few days were up and down. Sometimes it sounded rough. Then it all seemed to click. If it was new or just serviced I would expect it to take upto 2 months.

But it’s used so just moving location. Maybe it’s been boxed up for a while. I will ask the dealer when he arrives.


Spot on. Day two and three seem to be the low points.

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So true, :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’ll play internet radio 24/7 with volume low when asleep and when listening will play it loud. Should wake up the 552DR!


Volume won’t make any difference to warming up a 552 but have no fear, it will sound great immediately. Mine was pre owned, a couple of years old, and was the most ‘wow’ upgrade I’ve ever made.


Its was more of a “tongue in cheek” quote. I agree the 552DR cold will sound stunning, my 552 is probably 20years old serviced / DRd in 2019, it takes about 24hrs to hit the sweet spot from cold.

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Mine was good ‘from the off’ so you will be gob-smacked within a pico-second !

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Wow! Raising expectation to the sky here. I haven’t heard the 552 and not the 52 either but is the 552 universally and massively better. I mean so you fall over backwards when you already have a 52/500?

I know it’s not the sam but when I installed my 252 I wasn’t immediately convinced. It replaced an 82/supercap. After a while and some tweaking with cables I concluded the 252 is the better pre to build around going forward.

I’m just thinking that expectations through the roof might lead to somewhat of a disappointment but what do I know.

I like the enthusiasm though and I might be writing this just because I’ve been on sick leave for 7 days with a sore throat and fever and it’s disturbing :sweat_smile:

552DR installed and playing. All sounding superb out of the box.

Sounds clearer and more coherent than 52 on NDS.

LP12 being rebuilt now. Exciting times.


Did you have your 52 on the top? can’t remember, seems thats the way with a gap underneath

Looking good mate

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very nice :ok_hand:

The 52 was on top for a while. I did have LP12 on middle top before.

Things have been moved around alot.

Could you post a pic of the bacon sarnies please? I have a few questions regarding stacking order :wink:

Enjoy the day Dan, looking forward to the final results photos and listening impressions 8)


its should go as follows for optimum results…

runny egg


Has the moving about been done today mate??

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I moved things around yesterday a bit. Put 555PS back on right stack. Put NDS on middle stack (was on left).

Left shelf will only have 2 boxes, the ND5XS2 and Zoneripper NAS.

Space for more boxes :rofl:

He just wanted bacon sandwich!