552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

So I’ve only played it for half an hour, as I have been out for last 4 hours.

Going to try different records feom different periods.

So far it sounds f@#£ing incredible.

Yeah baby! Come to Papa!

Set up is awesome!


Installer spent 4 hours setting up the LP12. Adjusted the Fraim levelling and made sure everything was spot on.

Urika 1 and Radikal 2 Klimax are brand new. Out of plastic. Unopened boxes. So very happy about that as ex demo prices. Got some bits part exchanged as well. Will sell the rest on.

552DR is like new. Immaculate.

Kandid cart is spot on as well. I have got kit like new for good prices. All helps!


That is one stunning setup, very impressive.

Looking forward to hearing how the upgrades work out once you have had time to give it a good work out.

Enjoy the music.

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It sounds very very full on. I am blown away on many levels.

Firstly that I now actually own this kit. Bit like OMG! This is a Klimax LP12 and ermm f@#£!

It’s alot to take in just looking at the new kit!

And then there is the sound! It’s very very full on.

It’s alot to take in.


I am happy for you Dan . Enjoy this great upgrade, 552 and Lp12 Klimax in once. Must be a wow moment.


It’s bigger than Wow! My jaw is dropping. I am in disbelief!

It sounds very natural and the word I would use is fast.

Very forward. More so than 52. It has alot of punch.

I don’t know if Linn stuff takes time to burn in as Urika 1 and Radikal 2 are brand new! Was nice surprise.


Boom, happy days :sunglasses:

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Boom Boom


The “full on” is to be expected Dan. Not only new kit but not even warmed up. I heard an almost identical deck to yours on Saturday and it was soooo smooth. The 552 is defo less “forward” than the 52 so there again it’s only a mattter of time :+1:


First impressions of LP12 Klimax are Wow! Alot of changes compared to before. Sounds very fast, very forward. Stronger bass, more definition. Fuller sound, more detail.

Very low noise floor and extremely clear presentation.

552 is fast, forward, lower noise floor than 52. Amplification sounds more resolved. It clicks.

So overall extremely good, impressive and wow!

The difference is not subtle and it’s not burned in. The Linn stuff is new so will need to burn in.

The 552 will take a bit of time I am sure too.

Very very happy man here :smiley:


Enjoy your music :musical_note:

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I’m glad I got all the extra bits I wasn’t going to which include Ekos SE, Kandid and Urika 1.

Was just gonna go Keel and Radikal 1 Akurate.

It’s a very full on upgrade and isn’t for the faint hearted.


The one thing I’ll guarantee Dan is you have a strong heart!

My utmost congratulations :confetti_ball:
Enjoy your fabulous stereo.


…To your neighbours :laughing:


They have gone away on one side for the weekend. They must have known!


Well done Dan. My 552 was fresh out the box but straight away I noticed how much more defined the snap was on the snare drum, and we just went from there!

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That’s what I mean by forward. It has alot more punch than 52.

52 is beautiful pre. 552DR so far has more snap!

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The setup looks fantastic Dan :ok_hand:

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You now own my dream system. I cannot imagine how you feel right now. Enjoy. :+1:

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It sounds superb mate. Very very happy. Been playing LP12 last 2 hours. Sounding incredible!

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Blown away Paul. This is my dream too. Somehow I made it there! I am in shock mate. It’s like it hasn’t happened!

Will take time to sink in.