552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

After your LP12 upgrades and I bet it sounds incredible is it possible for digital reply to catch up to what you have now ?

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Brilliant Dan. You deserve it for sure and just think the sound will get even betteršŸ»

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What do you mean improving the NDS set up?

I think youā€™re right. I think the LP12 will open up more as the Urika 1 and Radikal 2 burn in. Cart only has 50 hours on it so probably not burned in either. And 552DR not been powered up for long.


Not at all, I dont think spending more cash and adding an ND555 (over the NDS) will surpass the LP12 you have now, just wondering how close or big the gap is.

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So, while the installer was setting up the LP12 I listened to the NDS for about 4 hours. It sounds better with the 552DR than 52. Clearer and more snap. More resolved.

The gap between NDS with ND5XS2 and LP12 Klimaxā€¦

Well, itā€™s different. You can hear more on LP12, thereā€™s more detail. Itā€™s a better source than my streaming.the LP12 was better before than NDS in some ways.

But now all the issues with LP12 before are gone. The noise floor is zero. And there are more micro dynamics. It sounds polished and very resolved.

Itā€™s all early days at the moment. But both sources are excellent.

Also I have invested heavily now in the LP12 so alot is in the mind with these things. I am not level headed about it at the moment.

The LP12 really grooves though. Floor tapping and head bopping in abundance. But I have been playing Level 42.


One of my favourite bands :+1:

Its early days but I guess the LP12 over the next few days will bed in and the gap will widen even further.

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The LP12 is now a better source than the streamer.

The NDS doesnā€™t sound lacking though. It sounds superb.

But the LP12 has more depth, breadth, more punch and micro dynamics. Itā€™s supercharged.

The NDS is a consistent superb player.

Day ro day streaming is easier. For serious listening the LP12 comes in.


Listening to Pink Floyd Meddle on old school vinyl. Wow! Hearing things I havenā€™t heard before. Hauntingly beautiful sound coming through.


Iā€™m still finding new joy with my 552 after 18 months - it was 3 years old like yours when I got it. It must be said though, the ND555 really gets into serious performance delights :sunglasses:. Will probably pull the trigger on my LP12 upgrade today - just checked the books and it adds up.


I am sure that an ND555 would improve my streaming set up considerably! And there is a nice one out there and I know the seller. Where does it stop Mike?

Are you going Lingo 4 only to start?

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My 552 DR is 2017, so a bit older, I believe.

Iā€™m gonna say this, listening to Meddle sounded more emotional than ever. Hauntingly beautiful and deeply emotional.

The LP12 is pulling my heart strings as it plucks out every note with detail and pure emotion.


Iā€™m going to jump straight to the Select level by adding Lingo 4, Karousel, Kore, Trampolin 2 and T-Kable and keeping the Ittok IV II and OC9 cart.

Thatā€™s my end point, barring any future home with a larger listening room and an inheritance.

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Mike, thatā€™s pretty much where I was before this upgrade apart from Lingo 4, where I had Lingo 1, Ekos 2 and MC cart.

Itā€™s a superb level to be at. It will narrow the gap between your sources. I think youā€™ll be very happy at that level for quite some time.

I hope I am not influencing you with all my upgrades :rofl:

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It never stops really Dan, well not till you get to a much higher level, but for most the money runs out far before that.
The real highlights are being able to just enjoy the music at whatever level you are at.


Iā€™ve worked that one out. Been enjoying the journey too! It has got better and better though, the higher I have gone.

Glad I did the 552DR and 500DR. As for LP12, I know itā€™s not your cup of tea and I get that!

But WOW :ok_hand:

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Enjoy Dan. Iā€™ve been through the Naim journey and the Klimax LP12 and 552 are as you say just wow. Youā€™ll have a wonderful weekend of listening ahead of you and pick up on some vinyl subtleties you have not noticed before. Looking forward to hearing more of your thoughts. All the best


Smart selections there Mike

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