552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

I would be prepared to experiment though on that front. I bought it without listening and I think it’s very good. Superline gets good reviews on here. And of course lots of other options.

For now done. Something about Urika I am not sure about. Especially as can only use Urika 1 on my system and it sits on top of power aupplies.

Just didn’t think this was route to go down just yet.

That sounds totally awesome @Dan_M

Bet it will sound incredible with Pantera cranked up loud!

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I will play it for you, just for that awesome comment!

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Another bonus, with the 552 you can now use the Naim app to control the volume :+1:

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It’s meant to be a nice unit. They had another an offer which was 2023 for more money. The unit I have gone for is immaculate. I have all my remotes next to listening position. But will be wonderful to see what it can do. I really can’t wait! Very excited.

And thing is this. This is what Naim purchases do. They excite and when you get them you get real pleasure from them.

I considered buying new car. And thought either go system or newer car. Newer car would be nice, but I hardly use it apart from weekends. Naim system used every day for many hours. So for me investing in my system came first.

I was thinking of getting a newer BMW 5 series. But is is wonderful as it is. For now, it’s good enough.


I’m probably being a bit slow here, Dan, but what spec will your LP12 be once all has been done that you intend to do?

I’m not at all familiar with the Urika II, but could it feed its digital output signal into your NDS? Just a thought, but maybe it’s not technically possible.

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Klimax, iiuc…

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So top-of- the-range Linn throughout?

It would be interesting to compare that with Sir Jonny Ive’s recent Apple vanity project.

I asked because you wrote you are considering Superline or other phono stages.

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Klimax. So Ekos SE, Keel, Radikal 2 Klimax, Karousel. Kandid cart. Fully maxed out. Only changes that can be made which are to Linn spec are more exoensive Ekstatik cart which replaced the Kandid as top of range cart. And you can go for optional Urika 1 phonostage. I am good with my phonostage.

So effectively my LP12 will be top of range Klimax spec.


I will have done enough for some time. System is done.


I think I have done enough for more than sometime. It’s time ti finally call it a day on upgrades. I have more than what I ever wanted. I don’t need anything else, or want anything else. Gonna concentrate on other things and buy more vinyl if anything.

Just catching up today on records I have bought recently but not listened to.

Maybe buy record cleaning machine.


Tbh my system soumds amzing as it is. I have done the upgrades because I can. So this is all extra to what I need! And that is what is so amazing about it all. There will be magical moments coming up! And I cannot wait.

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But Ives’ deck was a collector one-off design showpiece, not a competitor. Is the similar limited edition one-off Nait 50 a “vanity” piece also?

New plinth (Bedrok?) may be the only trickledown future option that LP12 owners see…

But, let’s leave it there. I do not wish to disrupt Dan’s thread. A discussion elsewhere, fine. But not here.

Good idea but I think leave phonostage as it is. That sounds like a faff workaround.

If you go all Linn then Urika 11 works. I am not convinced of Urika anyhow. And I have a really good phono stage so best to leave it. Give it all time. One of reasons why I would go Urika 1 is to save space. But I have 3 stacks so empty shelves. Gonna stick with current phonostage.

My LP12 has sounded amazing ever since I installed it. So I don’t know how good it is unless I start fiddling and testing other phono stages.

I am happy with it as is! :muscle:

I would consider other phonostages. And that’s why I don’t want Urika. I think once done you would leave it permanently. Superline has different quality about it. Just not sure at moment. And I have really good neutral phonostage which is high quality.

So best thing is let things settle in. And if I want change it out I will.

But I have just spent a fortune and I don’t want to do anything else.

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I have a Nait50, which is in daily usage. It was fairly priced for what it is - a modern update of a classic Naim shoebox amp. I hope that its great success will cause Naim to produce something similar, which is not a ‘limited edition’.

I rather doubt that Sir Jony’s “showpiece” would come close to my own high spec Linn/Naim/Dynavector LP12 for musical performance - even at half the price, or less.

Fine. Enough. I shouldn’t have responded - this thread is to celebrate Dan’s vastly-deserved good news, not debate “vanity projects”

Apologies @Dan.

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Dan, This is a crazy hobby… in my experience there’s a bit of a paradox relating to upgrades, which is, I’m most likely to want to upgrade when I’m feeling is sounding at it’s most amazing. “If it sounds this good now, imagine how it would sound if…”. Currently on my mind is a 552 (I’ll be very interested in how you get on with your new 552) as I love my 52 so much, or crazily an SG1 as my recently purchased MG1 sounds so good… Go figure! Enjoy, it sounds like your in for a real treat!

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