552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

He is enjoying lifešŸ‘


Thanks mate. Noone messes with Dan the main man with a plan ! :ok_hand:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:



Absolutely superb mate!

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Dan Dare has too much hairā€¦ā€¦


Hopefully will get a few whiskers coming through soon.

Was talking to my mate yesterday and I said I will keep it clippered and shave out a section on top of my head so I looked like I was bald for real. Maybe a mullet at the back!

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I think the point is that it was/is a bit misleading to continually state youā€™ve had a 555PS in various threads over the past few years. I understand your profile expanded on your actual off brand power supply, but most donā€™t check someoneā€™s full profile after reading their posts. When someone reads ā€œ555PSā€ in your posts they are absolutely assuming youā€™re running a Naim power supply, so when theyā€™re reading your opinions of NDS/555PS most had no idea you werenā€™t using a Naim power supply. We all know off brand power supplies donā€™t sound the same as Naim power supplies, so Iā€™m sure people have gotten misinformation from your opinions.

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Youā€™ve gone to alot of time and effort on this. Appreciated. Would make a great poster on my wall next to the system!


I shouldnā€™t take any credit for this Dan, my dad was a big Dan Dare comic book fan and I remember reading some of the comics when I was young, then I remembered the Audio Adventures spin off seemed to fit together with your adventure.


I thought you had changed the graphics. Very thoughtful nevertheless! Brilliant and so apt!

Dont worry. Heā€™ll have another real 555 this time next week !


Well they do sound quite different, so i now understand why the difference he is hearing is far greater.

Dam good to see all this is keeping your mind focused on something else, like upgrading cable tweaking and box placement.

Love your stamina which I had the same level of energy. Take care. :+1:


Drago will bring his 555 drā€¦.i see it in my crystal ball.


Love to do that - if it is only for finally meeting the mighty Dan :heart_eyes:


So Dan, are you bored yet? My local dealer has a ex-demo statement pre/power with a Ā£70K discount off new up for saleā€¦


Just plugged a brand new Neet 1008 in. It sounds very promising. It replaces a catsnake so nothing fancy.


That Ā£70k would be his margin if heā€™d sold at full retail. Imagine as a dealer making that money for a couple of days work :flushed:.

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Last step or? You have a switch?

Donā€™t have a switch so itā€™s just a single run from wall to Lindemann. The difference compared to the cartsnake is kind of chocking. It obviously needs to be burnt in before serious assement.

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