552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

dont forget mate our lovely government tax on turnover at 20% and net margin at 25%

at £235,000 for statement, 70k gross margin would be nowhere near enough to make ends meet

I really liked that Ethernet cable. I have had thoughts on getting one between router and switch. It’s very stiff though :grimacing::blush:


It’s a job too far unfortunately. What I have in terms of amps should see me for quite some time ! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


All lies :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


System sounding great this evening. Really enjoying the music. Farad Super 3 coming early next week. Worked out expensive with import fees and cable.

Anyhow, should be good by all accounts.


Fed ex will want £100 import duty Dan. Still I think you’ll feel that the full cost is worthy.


It’s shipped excluding VAT to the UK so it will be similar price to everyone else after import charges are paid.

Sweden vs UK for example.

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Yes, bit more than that. I paid it. All sorted.

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I went with the basic Farad 3, no fancy fuse or cable, to stay below the $1,000 import duty and GST threshold here.

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When will you receive the Select lp12?

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I’m leaving it with my dealer when we go to Australia in July, so will have it back at the end of July. I’m hoping it will be worth it, as it’s the last roll of the dice.


When I got my Selekt level LP12 back home I thought I would stop there, it wasn’t long until I upgraded the 10x5mk2 and phono stage. But maybe you have been more sensible than me and upgraded these at the same time. Either way, it will sound magical. Enjoy your travels knowing you have a treat to return home to.


Thanks Paul, that’s very reassuring. Yes, I have already upgraded my phono stage. I’m using a Heed Quasar that runs of their large Obselik power supply - I already had the Obselik for my headphone amp and it has two power outputs, so it was a good option to have a big power supply feeding a phono stage. The cart is in great condition, but will need replacing at some stage I guess.


Famous last words :grinning::crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I’m sure I recognise the picture from a retailer in Berkshire. If so, those amps have been offered for sale for quite some time and the retailer increased the discounted ex-demo price following the February price increase. So if anyone goes for it, it shouldn’t be too difficult to negotiate an improved discount. After all, the cost incurred by the retailer hasn’t increased.

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BMW 325i automatic estate here - 18 years old with cream leather :seat:! Goes like melted butter :slightly_smiling_face:


I have a Smart that is 10 years old which does everything I need from a car. I have never really had the need or desire for a big flashy gas guzzler. Much prefer spending money on music, the system and cameras. But each to their own, to most of my friends I am weird for spending so much on my system. My sister is the opposite of me, she is always changing her car, taking after our dad in that. I have never owned a new car, in fact in 40 years of driving I have only bought 4 cars so clearly not a priority for me.



Wowzers Dan I take a few weeks off and you’ve transformed things again! An absolute pleasure reading about and sharing your journey. Even if you are making me have some dark thoughts you naughty man :joy:


Dan’s an inspiration in the way he faces adversity and how he decides on a hi-fi goal and achieves it. As a result, I have just ordered a 332/333 to replace my 222. Maybe not at Dan’s system level but but a big step up in SQ for me. Only one more box is needed then I will stop, a second NPX300. Anyone who reminds me I said this 6 months ago when I got the NC250, can go sit on the naughty step and think about what is and is not appropriate to say on a hi-fi forum :wink: :grinning: :wink: