552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

It made a difference as there was interference from fridge on ring main. But it could be redesigned more like yours at some point.

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Of course and thatā€™s great! Have a play around with where you plug in the switches when you feel inclined. I moved my ND555 head this morning onto my middle FRAIM so the LP12 can go on the right stack and also took my Farad out of my M6 block (which is on itā€™s own radial feeding S1/ 2 x 555/ Core)and plugged into a dedicated radial with just the PN. Best ever sound for me this morning.

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Iā€™m glad the Farad 3 worked out, I found it very rewarding- more punch and dynamics - more analogue as you say.

Enjoy hunting out some records. Iā€™ve still 7 weeks out from my LP12 upgrade and have been having the usual buyers remorse before hearing it :joy::joy:


Lots of vinyl opportunities in Brighton. S/H stuff places the best though

2x6m of NACA5 with new Deltron connectors (nickel on 500 side, gold on speaker side to match both ends) is back in up against Oephi Ascendance. To be continued. What you think will happen? :slight_smile:

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2x6m of NACA5 with new Deltron connectors. :+1:t2:
No KS-1 :thinking:

Never tried KS-1 but have had thoughts on doing so. Is it better with a bit longer cable with KS-1 too as is with NACA5?

Not sure on the run length scenarios but Iā€™d used very heavy cable for nearly 40 years Linn K400 split and after much trial of other options I found KS-1 the only one close to the musicality and depth of K400 at a fraction of the size.
Itā€™s very deceiving I wouldnā€™t have believed it if not tried.
I have it with Naim SA-8 plugs on the amp end and nickel Deltron at the speaker end. :+1:t2:


Donā€™t forget the fluid ( I use the Degritter fluid with my Humminguru) and distilled water. But I am quite sure you know that.

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I just realised one benefit with the SA-8 and NACA5. If using say Deltrons into the amp the stiff cable actually pull out the banana plug a bit if the cable is not properly aligned. The SA-8 will prevent this since they are bonded to the same part and not inserted as individual cable ends. Not a big problem since you can solve it by cable dressing but still a benefit of the SA-8 which I never have thought of which apply to NACA5 since it is so so stiff.

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What are the names of those contacts and did you buy them in Sweden? Havenā€™t seen Deltron here.

Lukaseparts sells them in gold. The nickels I bought from TME. 583-0500 and 583-0100. They have 1 screw and ability to be soldered. I use the screw to lock them in and then solder. I tried a solder that contained silver first but changed to normal 60/40 I had leftesince it smelled **** and was tough to get right even with a 100W solder iron. The 60/40 and some flux makes a much better solder connection.

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Reminds me, that I have to fix my naca 5. the plugs (naim plug both sides) could fit a bit tighter in.
ā€¦ all has contact and it plays music well. :blush:
And the stiff cable with naim plug overall fits well when pushed till the end!
Pulling naca 5 out will ruin all my cable managementā€¦ oh dear :rofl:

Have a look on eBay. They are not expensive.

I did just look at eBay - and I noticed a 552 for Ā£7650, so had to stop lookingā€¦.


Itā€™s non dr but really looks good. I was lucky with mine ā€¦ got it for a steal. 552 is really good. Had made me smile from the first day. Thatā€™s really unusual for me ā€¦ no doubts came with 552.

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I would get a 552DR if you can. But a 552 is gonna be great too and thatā€™s a good price.

The 52 sounded great with the 500DR, but the 552DR is more resolved. Are you considering a 552?

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For me the 552 was the bigger step up (with 135 at that day)
500 was also huge - but with a sideways move coming from Olive.
Together (and warmed up) they are a dream team.
Too many updates at my (and your) side at once.
Do t know what made what - now 500dr, SL DIN-xlr, SL DIN 5-5, 2nd 555psDR and shunyata sigma ā€¦ all inā€¦ oh dear


I really shouldnā€™t, but itā€™s all too easy to spot a bargain and remember all the positive comments about swapping from 52 to 552 (even with 300DR and not a 500), while also remembering how impressed I have always been by systems with 552s at dealers.

Of course, I would also have the bother of selling my 52, and laziness about that may be helping me resist.


Look for a DR and a newer one - as a former 52 lover (mine is fully serviced in 2022) it was a hard part to convince me of something being better. It did in a second :blush: